The events leading up to Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree have given us a central antagonist to pursue. The relentless march of Messmer the Impaler and his armies in the Shadow Realm has left a wake of destruction, a path which Miquella the Kind and the players will have to follow in order to see the events of the DLC to its conclusion. Naturally, that means a confrontation with Messmer is on the cards, and it will not be an easy fight at all.

Found at the top of Shadow Keep, this agile enemy awaits anyone who dares to challenge him, and unless you are sufficiently prepared, this fight will decimate you in seconds. Elden Ring players need not be afraid, however, as this guide will provide the Tarnished with a helping hand when dealing with this vicious adversary.

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Where To Find Messmer The Impaler In Elden Ring

The Shadow Keep, Church District in Elden Ring

As mentioned, Messmer can be found at the top of the legacy dungeon, Shadow Keep, but making your way up there is going to require some effort. After clearing the water and making your way over to the Specimen Storage area, continue ascending the various levels and platforms until you reach the very peak of the structure.

Before starting the battle, it is recommended that players are at least at level 10 when it comes to Scadutree Blessings, and similarly for Revered Spirit Ash Blessings so that your Spirit Ash ally can help out in the fight. Once you have prepared everything, enter the arena to face Messmer.

How To Prepare For Messmer The Impaler In Elden Ring

flamedrake talisman in elden ring

Alongside your chosen Spirit Ash, make sure to use the summon sign on the right to invite Hornsent to the battle. He can act as a distraction and can deal good damage to the boss on his own. Unless you have murdered him before this, it is always good to have one more helping hand.

With Messmer being a master of flames, having equipment like the Flamedrake Talisman +3 will help a great deal when facing the boss. Players should also switch out their fire damage-dealing weapons for others that can dish out frost instead. As for armor, going for more fire resistance while maintaining agility is highly recommended. This makes it easier to dodge the numerous combos that the boss can unleash, and gives you more time to learn Messmer's moves and counter accordingly.

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How To Beat Messmer The Impaler In Elden Ring

Phase 1

Fighting Messmer the Impaler in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

At the start of the battle, Messmer will initiate a jump attack that needs to be avoided for your own good. He will either start gathering energy into a ball of fire and slamming down, or he will prepare to throw his spear at you.

For the latter, the trick to avoiding damage is to watch for the shine in the orb, and after about half a second or so, Messmer will rush towards the player. Dodge towards the attack at this juncture, and then repeat, dodging towards the orb again as it explodes after a short time. This will give you a good window to get in some hits of your own. If he is throwing the spear, simply dodge through the throw to get a chance to attack the boss.

Messmer will also use several stabbing combos, all of which have long ranges and usually end with flames that can extend even further, so it is best for players to learn to dodge towards the attacks rather than to the sides to avoid getting caught. When he starts holding the spear with two hands, watch for the horizontal sweep that follows and the final stab forward. By getting out of the way, you will have a longer window in which to hurt him.

When Messmer starts spinning, there are two major attacks coming. The first sees flames spewing everywhere, which is followed by a jump and slam. The best way to get over this is to dodge, get below the boss, and attack him after. The other sees him stay suspended in the air for a bit, before creating rings of flames and dashing towards the player, attacking with several quick jabs. To negate this attack, start running towards Messmer as he floats, and roll towards him once the dash starts. Do it once more to get out of range of the jabs. He will then slam his spear down, igniting the area with flames before numerous spears shoot out from the ground. Dodging towards him twice will get you close enough to attack to suffer no damage.

An attack that must be avoided at all costs is Messmer's grab. When you see his hand go up in the air, the safest approach is to keep running away until the animation ends. Getting caught means a torrent of damage that can easily end the fight, so it is best not to risk dodging into the grab when the rest of the battlle is already hard enough.

Phase 2 - Base Serpent

Fighting Messmer the Impaler in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

At half health, Messmer will take on his Base Serpent form, becoming even more aggressive and faster than before, occasionally transforming into a giant snake and attacking.

The first attack comes in the form of an exploding orb, just like before. Dodge just as Messmer dives to avoid the slam, and then do the same for the explosion. In essence, most of his attacks here remain the same as the first phase, but there are usually additional attacks or dashes added in, so players should perform shorter combos to give themselves some breathing room. There's also a new dash attack that sees Messmer flip in the air and power ahead while stabbing. Players should try to move to the side when this happens.

As for the snake-related attacks, the first is the summoning of snakes. When a portal appears behind the boss, get ready to dodge to the side to steer clear of the lunging creature. When Messmer himself becomes a reptile, there are three main ways he will try to hurt the player. The first two see the snake lunging at you, so you will need to time your dodges accordingly. The final attack is where a dark hole begins to appear below your feet, with the snake bursting upwards before slamming down. Move away from the initial burst and then the slam, before attacking the boss while you can.

Fighting Messmer the Impaler in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Lastly, there is the new grandstanding attack from Messmer in his Base Serpent form that is as dangerous as it is spectacular. When Messmer starts floating in the air and a pit of snakes begins to appear below him, this is your cue to get as far away as possible. The initial explosive blast is followed by a continuous stream of snake attacks that finish off with his spear-summoning attack from before. It is recommended that you use a shield to bear the brunt of damage and keep healing. Otherwise, your dodges have to be on point.

With some luck, you will be able to vanquish Messmer, which will reward you with 400,000 Runes, the Remembrance of the Impaler , and the very important Messmer's Kindling.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Tag Page Cover Art
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

June 21, 2024
Soulslike , RPG