
  • Miyazaki acknowledges fans' desire for Bloodborne content but suggests a remaster might not happen soon due to hardware limitations.
  • Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring seems to draw inspiration from Bloodborne's enemy designs, capturing the essence fans have been missing.
  • The upcoming Elden Ring expansion showcases boss fights reminiscent of Bloodborne's toughest battles, potentially offering a similar challenge.

With Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC finally revealed, FromSoftware fans will be able to experience a fresh take on the game over two years after its initial release. While this expansion has Elden Ring fans and the greater Souslike community excited to see what FromSoftware can do to further expand upon a fantastic base game, some dedicated fans are still interested in seeing a Bloodborne remake or sequel in the near future. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki's recent comments about a Bloodborne remaster might be disappointing for some fans, but Shadow of the Erdtree could serve as a great Bloodborne alternative.

Miyazaki has made it clear that he is well aware of fans' desire for more Bloodborne content, and is glad to see such passion from the fan base. However, his recent comments suggest a Bloodborne remaster isn't happening any time soon and wouldn't be worth developing until more powerful hardware exists to warrant a full-scale remaster, likely meaning fans won't see a Bloodborne remaster for at least another console generation. However, Shadow of the Erdtree might be enough to satisfy Bloodborne fans in the meantime, as many of its enemy designs feel reminiscent of Bloodborne's DLC.

5 FromSoftware DLC Bosses That Should Influence Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree Expansion

FromSoftware has a history of quality DLCs, and the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion for Elden Ring should draw inspiration from past DLC bosses.

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Could Satisfy Fans Eager for a Bloodborne Remaster

Part of what has earned Bloodborne such a dedicated fan base is the feeling the game evokes through both its atmosphere and gameplay mechanics. The fast-paced style of combat against cosmic horrors that Bloodborne is renowned for creates a unique gameplay scenario that other Soulslike games have had a hard time replicating. However, based on the gameplay reveal trailer for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree, it looks like Bloodborne's enemy design could be influencing this expansion's foes in a way that might recapture the feel many Bloodborne fans have been missing.

The Shadow of the Erdtree gameplay trailer showcases some fights against enemies that feel eerily similar to some of Bloodborne's The Old Hunters DLC's most iconic fights. Players can see a strange lion-like beast that resembles a mix of Ludwig and Vicar Amelia, as well as a skeletal creature on horseback that uses a crescent-shaped projectile similar to Orphan of Kos. While the base game of Elden Ring contains similarly monstrous enemies, these particular foes seem to channel Bloodborne in both their visual and mechanical designs, potentially fulfilling many fans' wish for a return to Bloodborne-style gameplay.

How Bloodborne’s DLC Enemy Design Could Influence Shadow of the Erdtree

From the brief gameplay clips shown in the Shadow of the Erdtree trailer, it seems like some of these enemies could be revisiting the boss design of Bloodborne. For example, Ludwig is an infamously tough boss in Bloodborne's DLC, and features a two-phase fight against a large beast-like entity capable of fast attacks with large areas of effect. Based on what was shown of the trailer's lion-like enemy, it appears that Shadow of the Erdtree may be following a similar design philosophy with this particular fight, as it is shown performing a quick jumping attack, as well as a twisting AoE attack that looks to cover a large part of the arena.

Another enemy shown in the Shadow of the Erdtree trailer appears to be a large skeletal creature mounted on horseback that wields a boomerang-like weapon. The attack it is shown performing bears resemblance to Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos boss, who uses its crescent-shaped placenta as a throwable weapon. This attack makes the Orphan of Kos an incredibly difficult boss since it can be difficult to effectively dodge its projectile, and the enemy shown in this Elden Ring DLC trailer seems like it could end up providing a similar challenge for players.