
  • In Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, there are several bosses and mini-bosses that players will encounter throughout their journey.
  • Curseblade Labirith - An atmospheric and challenging mini-boss found in the Bonny Gaol.
  • Dryleaf Dane - A brand new form of combat using the unarmed fighting style introduced in the DLC.

Elden Ring’s highly anticipated DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, has brought new locations and fresh challenges to its eager fanbase. Releasing to critical acclaim, this huge expansion has provided players with hours of additional content, pushing both the narrative and difficulty to new places.

Elden Ring: 16 Hardest Dragon Boss Fights, Ranked

There are many dragons that populate the Lands Between in Elden Ring, with each posing a tough challenge, but some are much stronger than others.

Shadow of the Erdtree follows on from the base game, with a large yet condensed map split into different areas. One of the central regions in the game is Scadu Altus. This diverse region is the gateway to many of the DLC’s secrets and contains some of the toughest challenges and most memorable boss fights. Players can reach the area through Caste Ennis or by using a Spiritspring that takes players directly into the Fort of Reprimand.

13 Commander Gaius

A Tedious And Overly Aggressive Boss

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Commander Gauis on a boar charges down the player
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Shadow Keep, Back Gate
  • Rewards: 230,000 Runes, Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider

Shadow of the Erdtree is undoubtedly a great addition to an already brilliant game. Unfortunately, not every boss encounter lives up to the high standard set by so many other enemies. Commander Gaius is found at the back entrance of the Shadow Keep and is guarding the way to the Scadutree Chalice.

As soon as players enter the boss area, Gauis charges, leaving little room to move. Players can use Torrent in the battle. However, the aggression and speed of the boss make the mount all but unusable. Charge attacks can be very hard to dodge in the fight and mistakes are punished extremely quickly. All these issues create a frustrating boss that many players may decide to leave entirely.

12 Golden Hippopotamus

A Small Arena And Highly Aggressive Boss

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked The golden hippo unleashes its golden spines
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Shadow Keep Main Gate
  • Rewards: 200,000 Runes, Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns, x2 Scadutree Fragments

The Golden Hippopotamus greets players as they enter the courtyard of the Shadow Keep, one of the largest Legacy Dungeons in the DLC. While this boss is certainly a challenge, its questionable hit-boxes, ultra aggression, and small arena create more frustration than fun.

Elden Ring: 10 Coolest-Looking Weapons In The Game, Ranked

Elden Ring is home to a plethora of remarkable weapons, but some outshine others because of how cool they look.

Much of the struggle with this encounter comes from camera issues during combat, as the small arena gives little room to maneuver for such a large enemy. Players may also find they teleport into its charging mouth after a seemingly successful dodge. While the second phase of the fight is spectacular with its golden spines, the fight is one of the few disappointments in an otherwise stunning expansion.

11 Ghostflame Dragon

Forgettable Field Bosses Offering Decent Loot

Elden Ring player stands before a skeletal Ghostflame dragon in the land of shadow
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Moorth Highway, South
  • Rewards: 120,000, x1 Dragon Heart, Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

There are three Ghostflame Dragons scattered throughout the Land of Shadow. The Scadu Altus Dragon can be found near the Fort of Reprimand, fighting with Messmer’s Soldiers. The Ghostflame Dragons are very similar to many of the field boss Dragons found throughout Elden Ring, with a couple of additional attacks.

These Dragons are best attacked from below, hacking away at their feet and avoiding their deadly charges that easily kill players. While these Skeletal enemies look cool, they’re largely forgettable and only worth taking on for the Runes or Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

10 Ralva The Great Red Bear

A Supercharged Runebear With Additional Attacks

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Player stalks Ralva in a water
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Highroad Cross
  • Rewards: 180,000 Runes, Pelt of Ralva

While many Shadow of the Erdtree bosses are unique to the DLC, a few are re-skins from the base game. Ralva the Great Red Bear is one of these. While this doesn’t make it a bad fight, it does feel familiar and most players will have little issue defeating Ralva.

Players will find the Great Red Bear northeast of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace, in a small wooded area. While the fight isn’t the most memorable in the DLC, the Pelt of Ralva is a great addition to the player’s armor collection.

9 Black Knight Garrew

A Solid And Enjoyable Challenge

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked A black knight carrying a large shield runs towards the player
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Scadu Altus, West
  • Rewards: 80,000 Runes, Black Steel Greatshield

The Black Knights are found throughout Shadow of the Erdtree and make up the core of Messmer’s army. In the Scadu Altus region, there are two powerful Black Knights to challenge the player’s skills.

Black Knight Garrew is found in Fog Rift Fort and is a solid mini-boss fight for a small side area. Garrew attacks with the same moves as other shield-carrying Black Knights, with one additional attack. The boss spits out a golden tongue that can attach to the player and drag them toward the enemy, dealing damage. While this move is easily dodged, it makes the encounter unique enough to be memorable.

8 Black Knight Edredd

A Fast-Paced Challenge With A Worthwhile Reward

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked PLayer fights with Black Knight Edredd in Fort of Reprimand
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Fort of Reprimand
  • Rewards: 80,000 Runes, Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings

Black Knight Edredd is the second of the Black Knight bosses found in the Scadu Altus region. Players will encounter this enemy in the Fort of Reprimand. He is a fast and aggressive boss that will test player’s reactions.

Elden Ring: 10 Best Unique Weapon Skills, Ranked

Players can't go wrong with the following unique weapon skills in Elden Ring.

While most players will overcome this challenge within a few attempts, the encounter can be tricky. Black Knight Edredd uses the Aspect of the Crucible: wings to fly into the air and dive towards the player. Defeating the boss rewards players with this unique Ash of War that also infuses the weapon with additional holy damage.

7 Rakshasa

A Challenging Mini-Boss Off The Beaten Track

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Rakshasa jump attacks the player
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Recluses’ River Downstream
  • Rewards: 90,000 Runes, Rakshasa’s Great Katana, Rakshasa Armor Set

Many players may miss this mini-boss altogether as it requires exploration of the lower section of Scadu Altus. Once players have found their way to the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum, they will encounter Rakshasa. This boss uses a Great Katana, one of the DLC’s new weapon classes. There are three Great Katanas in Shadow of the Erdtree, which are all formidable weapons.

To claim the sword, though, players must get past Rakshasa. This boss won’t cause players many issues. However, his weapon can deal high amounts of damage. His moveset is simple and is mainly a showcase for the Great Katana.

6 Dryleaf Dane

A Brand New Form Of Combat

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Player fights with Dryleaf Dane in a field
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Moorth Ruins
  • Rewards: Dryleaf Arts, Dane’s Hat

Players will find Dryleaf Dane standing right next to the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace. To challenge Dryleaf Dane, players must perform the "May the Best Win" Gesture, which will trigger the fight. Dryleaf can be a tough opponent, as he attacks aggressively and quickly. However, players will have little issue with the monk.

The battle is mainly a showcase for the new fighting style introduced in the DLC. The unarmed combat style uses fast punches and kicks to take on enemies and is a great new addition to Elden Ring’s arsenal. Defeating Dryleaf Dane will reward players with the Dryleaf Arts.

5 Curseblade Labirith

An Atmospheric And Challenging Mini-boss

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Fighting a curseblade in Elden Ring
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Bonny Gaol
  • Rewards: 100,000 Runes, Spirit Ashes: Curseblade Meera

The Curseblades are tricky enemies found throughout the Land of Shadows. Players encounter one almost as soon as they start the DLC. They act as waiting assassins, ready to pounce and chase down players in specific locations. Curseblade Labirith, however, is a tougher version, found at the end of Bonny Gaol.

Elden Ring: Every Outer God Ranked By Influence

The Outer Gods of Elden Ring have been using their influence to shape events in the Lands Between for centuries, as each vies for control and power.

Entering the boss room and starting the fight, Labirith seems like any other Curseblade in the game. However, this encounter is a lot tougher. Curseblade Labirith will eventually turn invisible, forcing players to guard against its oncoming attacks. While challenging, most players will overcome Curseblade Labirith within a few tries. The fight is full of atmosphere and a worthy battle at the end of the dungeon.

4 Count Ymir, Mother Of Fingers

A Satisfying End To The Questline

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Standing before Count Ymir in the Cathedral of Manus Metyr
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Cathedral of Manus Metyr
  • Rewards: High Priest Armor Set, Ymir’s Bell Bearing, Maternal Staff

While Metyr, Mother of Fingers is the finale of Count Ymir’s questline, it is not the end. Defeating the larger boss will unlock a smaller boss fight. Count Ymir takes on the power of Metyr and attacks the player after returning to the Cathedral.

Players must first defeat Swordhand of Night Jolan, who invades the player after approaching the central chair. After this, Ymir will attack. The boss can summon various Fingercreepers and sorceries, and teleport away from the player. However, at this stage in the game, players will have little trouble dispatching the boss and ending the questline for good.

3 Scadutree Avatar

A Unique And Dramatic Encounter

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked Player fights the Scadutree avatar
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Scadutree Base
  • Rewards: 260,000 Runes, Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower, Miquella’s Great Rune

This bizarre-looking boss is a giant and terrifying sunflower monster. It can be found after players drain the water from the Shadow Keep’s submerged area. High amounts of damage can be inflicted on this boss, but players must defeat it three times before victory. Each phase gets progressively tougher, with more ranged attacks that can leave players running.

Scadutree Avatar is a unique idea for a boss battle, set in one of the most atmospheric arenas in the game. While players shouldn’t get stuck for too long on this boss, it poses a significant enough challenge to test even veteran gamers.

2 Metyr, Mother Of Fingers

A Formidable Lovecraftian Cosmic Entity

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked player fights with Metyr as they fire a large black hole attack
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Cathedral of Manus Metyr
  • Rewards: 42,0000 Runes, Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers

Players will meet Metyr, Mother of Fingers at the end of Count Ymir’s questline. This side quest is one of the most prominent storylines players will follow in the DLC, taking them around the map to find the mysterious Hallowed Ruins.

This large creature is powerful and deadly and will challenge many veteran Elden Ring players. Its attacks are quick and unexpected and become progressively more spectacular as the fight continues. Its large side fingers force players to attack either head-on or from behind, while its gravity-based powers will devastate everything in their path. Metyr is one of the most memorable fights in the game. Its lore, dramatic arena, and unique challenge make Metyr, Mother of Fingers a boss battle epic in its execution.

1 Messmer The Impaler

The Face Of The DLC Lives Up To The Hype

Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree: Every Boss Fight In Scadu Altus, Ranked cut scene from the messmer fight
  • Nearest Site of Grace: Dark Chamber Entrance
  • Rewards: 400,000 Runes, Remembrance of the Impaler, Messmer’s Kindling

From the first trailer announcing the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, Messmer has been the face of the expansion. Seeing this intimidating character, players knew they would be in for a tough fight. Luckily for fans, thematically and quite literally, Messmer the Impaler hits on all fronts.

Players will find Messmer at the end of the Shadow Keep, the labyrinthine legacy dungeon, filled with tough enemies and puzzling levels. The first phase of Messmer is fast and chaotic. Players must concentrate fully during the fight, especially if attempting a solo run. His second phase, however, turns things up another notch, becoming a true spectacle. Messmer is one of the big challenges of the game and will test Elden Ring players for years to come.

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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One
June 21, 2024
Soulslike , RPG