The much-anticipated upcoming FromSoftware title Elden Ring recently held a preview event containing a 15-minute gameplay demo at Gamescom 2021. While press outlets are not allowed to share the full gameplay footage, there are still a number of striking new screenshots available for Elden Ring fans to pour over.

Possibly the most striking image of the set appears to depict a gigantic skeleton shrouded in rags and seated upon an enormous stone throne. At the foot of the throne is a field of raw earth with what appear to be distorted, humanoid bodies emerging from the soil. It's difficult to say what role this uncomfortable environment will play in the final game, but the titanic monument could make a useful landmark for Elden Ring's fast travel system.

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Also revealed are three screenshots of players fighting a variety of foes, ranging from what seems to be a bat-nosed dragon to robotic torture devices with bloodstained pendulums for arms.

elden ring dragon open world details gamescom 2021 fromsoftware

One foe, a crowned enemy with digitigrade legs, a glowing staff, and a screaming horse-like head, could have stepped out of Bloodborne.

elden ring horse-faced enemy feature

This media package does make it clear that despite Elden Ring's apparent focus on high fantasy over dark fantasy, the game is still incorporating the lessons learned from its predecessors.

elden ring skeleton throne screenshot feature

Another screenshot shows a robed figure with what seems to be a wheel around their neck kneeling before a huge glowing orb. Their arms are outstretched and streaks of golden light fill the air, but the floor below the orb is strewn with old bones. Two small, goblin-like creatures are approaching the figure, one of them grinning wickedly. Whatever is happening in this screenshot, the image certainly gives Elden Ring a very specific atmosphere.

elden ring magic screenshot feature

The game's tone appears to be far more fantastical than previous Soulsborne titles, which tend to portray magic as something far more visceral and unpleasant than the brilliant golden light showcased here, but the bones and scuttling creatures are a return to FromSoftware form.

elden ring walking into darkness screenshot feature

As of writing, it appears that these screenshots have been embraced warmly by the Elden Ring fan community. Several Twitter users have expressed awe at the graphical fidelity and one even states that Elden Ring appears to be the best-looking From Software game yet. However, a few users shared frustration about the lack of solid gameplay footage recently. It seems that much of the fanbase wishes to get their hands on the 15-minute-long gameplay demo that was shared among press outlets before making definite statements about the game.

Elden Ring is set to release January 21, 2022, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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