An Elden Ring co-op fight against Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon went horrifically wrong for the host. Elden Ring is a game where anything can happen. No matter where one is to go, there is something they've never seen in that direction that is sure to surprise them, whether it's bad or good. However, this also goes for boss fights, where any fight can go wrong at the drop of a dime, the situation turned on the players, like when one player found out Malenia has a second phase. Expect the unexpected, and prepare for it.

Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon is a Legend Boss in Elden Ring that is fought at the end of the legacy dungeon Raya Lucaria Academy. Her boss fight consists of two phases. The first phase is nothing too difficult, requiring not much from the player. It's when the second phase occurs that the real challenge comes, as Rennala brings her full power to bear, with powerful spells like Comet Azur and Rennala's Full Moon, all the while summoning enemies to fight you. And while some players can take on Rennala without jumping or sprinting, it's still a difficult phase for many players.

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It was during this second phase that the fight turned on two Elden Ring players engaging in co-op. Posting to r/Eldenring, user softbaphomet uploaded a video of their time playing as a co-op partner to a host as they were fighting Rennala. In the video, the player is dead, and as they lay there, waiting for the moment they are brought back to their own world, they watch as the host is running away from several of Rennala's attacks, a rather humorous sight for the player watching it.

In the comments, many of the users there also found the scene to be quite humorous, so much so that they reposted the video with funny music playing over it. Funny sights are nothing uncommon in Elden Ring, for there are many videos of players getting into funny situations, like when one Elden Ring player got jump-scared by a rolling ball. Elden Ring is almost the perfect game for such a situation, for the number of surprises it holds is quite large.

For some of the best Elden Ring players with the highest levels, a boss fight can turn ugly for them, even if they are practicing caution. Sometimes, an Ulcerated Tree Spirit will reach through the wall to grab a player, and other times a boss will perfectly pull off an attack that just breaks through a player's defense. While it's good to take care, sometimes the game will just try to have a little fun with the player, mostly to the player's disadvantage.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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