A video clip shared by an Elden Ring player captures an unfortunate, and quite disgusting, conclusion to their fight. Elden Ring is a brutal and often macabre experience, much like many of FromSoftware's prior games. Despite that, the PvP community within Elden Ring has a surprising code of conduct as players convey respect for others whom they fight. Even in worst-case scenarios, however, it's rare to encounter an Elden Ring player that is so creatively toxic as this video clip captures.

In December 2022, FromSoftware released a substantial update for Elden Ring that implemented Colosseums. Players are able to use the three Colosseums in Elden Ring to have PvP battles, including duels. Previously, Elden Ring players had to organize dueling on their own. They'd meet up in community-organized locations, set community-driven rules and etiquette, and would even blacklist players who would break rules. Colosseums removed the need for much of that, and there have been repercussions.

RELATED: Overprepared Elden Ring PVP Combatant Gets Thoroughly Embarrassed

Reddit user bohnestrich shared a video of a duel they recently fought in Elden Ring that is as hilarious as it is obscene and disturbing. The battle starts off with a major red flag. While bohnestrich bows, a standard action within the Elden Ring dueling community to convey a certain level of etiquette, his opponent charges immediately and tries to take advantage of the emote. The duel unfortunately goes poorly for bohnestrich from there. He's put to sleep and beaten without much of a fight. That's where things get worse.

fetid pot icon

After defeating bohnestrich, the opponent quickly turns and begins to throw items that are named Fetid Pots behind them. Fetid Pots are, as their name implies, a weapon made from poop. They can be used to inflect a Deadly Poison status effect on opponents, but this PvP player has found another use for them. When turned around and throwing Fetid Pots behind him, it looks remarkably vulgar.

As if that wasn't enough, the Elden Ring poop-thrower then crouches multiple times and wraps up his theater with an emote pointing downward. It's a series of actions executed so well that the toxic Elden Ring player must have practiced it over and over. Some on Reddit point out that their toxic behavior was significantly more impressive than their actual PvP.

While it's true that the Elden Ring PvP community does take decorum relatively seriously, it is also capable of appreciating a joke. It's such an absurd situation that it's impressive. Many viewers were so impressed they instead focused on the player's form when throwing the Fetid Pots, how valuable the items are to so casually throw, how the behavior matches the sleep-focused PvP build, and further. It's a perfectly Elden Ring moment, in more ways than one.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Elden Ring: 10 Best Co-Op Builds For PVP