Within only a month of its launch, FromSoftware's Elden Ring is already among the most popular titles of the year. The action-RPG has already become FromSoftware's biggest launch and is witnessing spectacular sales across the globe. Besides its commercial success, Elden Ring is also making the headlines for its praiseworthy gameplay, writing, and PvP mode.

Speaking of which, Elden Ring's PvP mode is becoming increasingly popular among the gaming community due for various reasons. Many gamers are using the PvP mode to learn tricky parts of the game from their fellow gamers, including learning to parry in Elden Ring. At the same time, others are having a different kind of fun with the multiplayer mode.

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Lately, many Elden Ring PvP mode clips have gone viral, displaying some of the weirdest things one can imagine in a fantasy game. One video shows two players stopping their intense fist fight to clean themselves with soap. More recently, Redditor Beautiful-Drama-6946 came across another bizarre occurrence in the game. In this case, the Reddit user is in the limelight for dying precisely at the same time as their opponent. The user has posted a humorous clip that shows them engaged in an intense tussle with a fellow Elden Ring player. Both of them seem to be going at one another in full swing before draining their HP and dying simultaneously.

The clip begins with Beautiful-Drama-6946 seemingly having the upper hand over his Elden Ring opponent as the HP is nearly 70%. After a swing and a miss, both of them come in proximity of one another and start swinging. They hit each other exactly four times before succumbing to their wounds and ultimately dying. Ironically, all the four hits seem to be occurring at nearly identical moments, including the final one that killed both. The Reddit community expressed its views about the clip in the comments, most of which took jabs at the two players, while some users praised the two for being exceptionally lucky.

As shown by video clips like this, Elden Ring's PvP mode is currently a hot topic in the gaming community. Besides such humorous clips, the internet contains many Elden Ring tips and tricks that could prove beneficial during combat. One such trick is related to using the Flask of Wonderous Physick in a specific location for explosive results.

Several other tricks leverage the game's mechanics and give some gamers an edge over their competitors. It is yet to be seen how FromSoftware deals with such schemes that are arguably unfair to some players.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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