Elden Ring is one of the most popular games in the industry at the moment. Millions of players have jumped onto their consoles and computers to battle fierce-looking bosses for a chance at glory. It swooped across the world like a fever, as gamers felt the opportunity to connect with their inner gladiator was too good to pass up. Elden Ring has a PvP mode which is an interesting component of the game, putting players head to head against each other in a test of skill. As with every challenge, some participants are willing to use every trick up their sleeves for the slimmest chance of success.

Usually, there are rules in any competition that can limit just how far contestants can go before they are penalized for bad behavior. Elden Ring’s PvP offers no such restraint, leaving players to come up with a moral code of conduct. Of course, with thin lines drawn in the sand and some concepts open to several interpretations, not everybody abides by these unwritten rules. Some would say honor is dead and obedience is optional, but most players adhere to these sets of etiquettes for an easy-flowing gaming experience. These etiquettes depend on the PvP mode the player chooses. If the random invasion mode is chosen, basically anything goes. The second path is activated by touching a red sign on the ground before entering the host's world as an invader. The red sign shows that a duel is about to begin, and both parties should hold themselves to a certain standard.

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Gestures are All Important

elden ring gesture

Modeled after knights of old, treating opponents with respect before a duel is a crucial part of Elden Ring PvP. A player can choose to Bow or Wave to the other player before the start of a duel through the gesture menu. While some gestures are a mark of respect, others can be perceived as mockery, like clapping or kneeling. Such gestures are avoided as they are bad practice and can make a player feel disrespected. Attacking a player before a gesture is given or received is also frowned upon, and gamers will treat the errant player as a regular invader with the assumption the player is not looking for a fair fight. On the off-chance a player is new and does not know how to make a gesture, standing still while the opponent makes a gesture is also acceptable as a sign of respect.

When a duel has been completed with no hitches or breaches of the unwritten rules, it is customary for the victorious player to salute the vanquished. The losing player, having conducted themselves with dignity at all times during the duel, is deserving of respect for maintaining etiquette. A Bow, Wave, or other forms of friendly celebratory gestures are welcome for use in these situations. Of course, for players who don't abide by the unwritten rules, no honor is required. The winner is free to celebrate as they deem fit.

No Crimson Flasks are Allowed

elden ring flask animation

In a duel, the lines between honor and realism are so blurred they can easily be crossed. After all, nobody likes losing a game. It can be tempting to sneakily use a Crimson flask to replenish health in Elden Ring to give the player a better chance at winning. These flasks are generally frowned upon as cheating. The unwritten rule is in place for duels partly because red phantoms enter a player's world with very few Flasks.

A duel intends to test the fighting abilities of both players, not the depth of their inventories or builds. Healing is only permitted when another player waiting in queue for a duel enters the world immediately after a 1v1 battle. The defending party would be at a disadvantage if they do not heal themselves, so the player is obliged to replenish their HP.

Intruders are Removed as Soon as Possible


Sometimes, a healthy duel might already be taking place - whether a 1v1 or a team duel - so far as the number of participants is balanced on both teams. Other players who want to participate in a duel in Elden Ring must wait for the existing contest to be over before they get their turn. However, not every player has honorable intentions, as it has been noted that some players pounce on balanced duels and attack both parties in the hope of getting some easy kills.

In such cases, the original duellers will put their battle on hold and team up to deal with the intruder. When the intruder has been dealt with and removed, the duel can resume after Elden Ring's duel participants heal themselves to have a fresh start. It is noteworthy that this is the only other time healing is allowed.

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No Mods Allowed

Elden Ring Firebender Mod

Players are allowed to want to have things easy. Everyone in all walks of life would like a hack to get ahead of the competition. However, as with all games, mods are strictly frowned upon by the Elden Ring community. Nobody likes cheaters, as they ruin the gaming experience for all players they come into contact. Too many mod users can pollute a PvP atmosphere, making fewer gamers want to engage in duels. The PvP is a major component of Elden Ring, and players should do their best not to ruin it.

Do Not Rage Quit

elden ring grace menu

Losing hits people differently. Players can take the valuable lessons they have learned from a defeat and become better for the experience. Likewise, a significant percentage of gamers loathe losing and prefer to exit a game before its completion than take a loss on their record. Leavers robbing a deserving duelist of a win just because their feelings got hurt is a mark of immaturity and has no place in multiplayer games, as it is a waste of a duelist's time and effort. Players are only permitted to exit an ongoing duel if they notice their opponents in Elden Ring using mods to cheat.

Elden Ring is available on Microsoft Windows, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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