Elden Ring was released almost a month ago and it’s already a massive success for its developer From Software. Elden Ring sold 12 million copies within 2 weeks, and it has managed to capture the attention of the mainstream and casual audience. It's also a front-runner for Game of the Year, and it'll probably be difficult for any other 2022 game to get a similar reception.

Elden Ring arguably features the best horse in any open-world game. Torrent is responsive, can double jump, and can also survive hits from bosses. Perhaps the most underrated mechanic of Elden Ring is the ability to almost instantly summon or send away Torrent with the press of a button, which is especially useful when exploring the open world. Elden Ring clearly marks areas where Torrent is not allowed, and a player found out what happens when one tries to bypass this line.

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A user named angelar_ uploaded a short clip of them riding Torrent in one of the opening regions of Elden Ring. They find a building that does not allow mounts, but angelar tries to jump over this line, only to find a massive lift that connects to Siofra River, an underground area in the game. The platform is all the way at the bottom, so angelar falls to their death. It’s a long way down, taking angelar around 10 seconds to reach the bottom, enough time to contemplate the decision to cross the line.

Many users discuss the hilariously lengthy fall, with Honesty_Addict saying that it reinforces the poor decision made by angelar. According to DarthBrickus, dismounting right before a fall reportedly negates fall damage, so angelar can give that a shot whenever they find themselves in a similar situation. JeanMarkk states that if one quits to the main menu during a fall, it should spawn them at the base of the area. It’s difficult to execute in most regions in Elden Ring, but the lengthy fall gives ample time to try this strategy.

Elden Ring speedrunners often use these tactics to save time and quickly get to a new area, and players can also try them out in specific sections in other Souls games. Speedrunning in Elden Ring took a massive hit when From Software released patch 1.03 last week. It nerfed several exploits and weapons, including the Mimic Tear, and players are busy figuring out new speedrunning strategies. Speedrunners have also discovered a new Elden Ring glitch that allows players to skip areas by flying on horseback, but Torrent must be killed in a specific fashion for it to work effectively.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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