From Software's Elden Ring was one of the most anticipated titles of 2022, and now that it's finally launched, gamers everywhere have received it with open arms. Many players have plunged into the Lands Between in search of an epic dark fantasy experience, but others appear to be searching for hidden secrets and funny item combinations. One Elden Ring player recently shared a short video that reveals how funny the Albinauric Mask makes cutscenes.

Albinaurics are a type of humanoid enemy that players can encounter in Elden Ring. These short, gray-skinned creatures can be encountered in a number of places throughout the game world, where they often appear in groups. They have very large heads, enormous black eyes, and hunched backs, leading them to resemble the popular image of a Gray Alien.

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A major element of Soulsborne games is players picking up new armor and customizing their load-outs, which can lead to some funny outfits. Redditor wewtjuice recently shared a short video displaying how wearing one mask item during cutscenes can take all the tension out of things. In the eight-second-long clip, they show what begins as a serious cutscene depicting an enemy looking from the ground. Things take a turn for the hilarious when the view switches to show the player wearing the Albinauric Mask item.

While the rest of the player's outfit fits Elden Ring's George RR Martin-inspired tone, the Albinauric Mask immediately makes the scene a funny one. The sheer size of the mask makes the player's head look bloated and disproportionate, and the enormous black eyes give them a frog-like appearance. The decision to show the scene as though the camera is below the player, looking up, places a strange emphasis on the mask's nostrils. All in all, it's hard to tell who is supposed to be the monster in this scene.

As of writing, it appears that many other Elden Ring fans also find this video hilarious. One user joked that the mask looked like Jiren from Dragon Ball Super if he had an allergic reaction that made his face swell up. A second user declared that this was just how people looked when they were maidenless, while a third complained that the mask does not have an ability that lets the player do a cartwheel like Albinauric foes can. Several other users expressed a desire to wear the Albinauric Mask during dramatic moments themselves. While the Albinauric Mask may not grant players all the abilities of an Albinauric, it definitely makes playing through a Elden Ring a more surreal experience.

Elden Ring is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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