The vast majority of Elden Ring players will likely run into a boss in the game at some point that they will struggle with. Some other Elden Ring players, however, have already taken to making the game more difficult for themselves just for the sake of it.

Streamer SuperLouis64 already decided to make Elden Ring harder for himself by beating a boss using a Nintendo Ring Fit Controller. This was no easy feat as the control scheme demanded a decent amount of physical activity and quick reaction times. SuperLouis64 had to jog on the spot to move his character forward, squeeze the controller to attack, and squat to heal, yet he was still able to beat BloodHound Knight Darriwil in only one try. This was particularly impressive as the boss is known for its unorthodox movement style and attack pattern, and the streamer was able to beat the boss on his first attempt.

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Now SuperLouis64 decided to up the ante by beating Godrick the Grafted using a controller he designed himself out of bananas. While strange, this is not the first time a gamer has made use of bananas as a controller. In an interview with PCgamer, SuperLouis64 explained that each of the bananas acted as a key on a keyboard, as he had connected them to a circuit box and hooked them up to an HID.

SuperLouis64 is the latest player to make use of an unconventional controller to beat a boss in a FromSoftware game, however, he is certainly not the first. Back in 2016, one Dark Souls 3 player was able to beat a particularly difficult boss using a dance pad. The player was able to beat a particularly difficult boss battle in the form of the Abyss Watchers from Dark Souls 3 and did so using an expanded dance pad from the popular rhythm game Dance Dance Revolution.

SuperLouis64 did not seem to get the memo when Hidetaka Miyazaki stated that he tried to make death more enjoyable in Elden Ring, as the streamer seems to be conquering the game with a variety of ridiculous control methods. The reason that this is especially impressive is the fact that Elden Ring has only been out for a few weeks, and therefore the streamer has not been given all that much time to practice. This, however, does not seem to matter to SuperLouis64 as fans can only wait to find out what wacky control method he decides to employ next.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: PCGamer