Update: Elden Ring updates have reeled the Vyke's War Spear in, so it is no longer the most overpowered weapon in PvP.

Original story follows.

Elden Ring is one of the most popular games of 2022 so far. However, in the player vs. player mode of Elden Ring, one weapon has been making waves with how broken it is when used.

FromSoftware's newest Souls-like game, Elden Ring, has been a hit for all fans of games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne. It has brought over many features from previous games, mainly the PVP multiplayer where a player can "invade" another player's game and essentially help or battle with said player.

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YouTuber Scott Jund posted a short video to his channel where he explains Elden Ring's most broken PVP weapon, which he says is Vyke's War Spear. It is classified as a great spear in the game and is best used in high Dexterity player builds, but it inflicts the status effect madness on the player's opponent and themselves. Jund explains in his video that the Elden Ring weapon is broken in PVP because it will kill a player's opponent, even if they truly dodge the hit.

Jund goes on to say in the video that it is normal to be able to dodge away from certain status effects in Dark Souls and Elden Ring due to desynchronization in the game's combat system that causes the player to take no damage even if the effect seems to be applied. With Vyke's War Spear, the opponent can still hurt the player and apply the madness status effect even if they dodge the initial attack. This is one of many problems Elden Ring has faced since its launch.

This weapon is significantly broken and makes PVP battles with this weapon unfair to the player on the receiving end. Elden Ring and the other Souls-like games from FromSoftware are very difficult, but at the same time, it is fair in its gameplay. Jund brings this topic up because a lot of PVP players have been using it, and it's a growing concern.

This element of Vyke's War Spear could be unintentional, but if it isn't, it should be fixed before too many players take advantage of it. If the broken nature of the weapon is intentional, then a good explanation for it could be that it was intended to let players get around opponent players being able to dodge away from status effects. That being said, with how fair Souls-like games have been in the past, it's unlikely this weapon, as broken as it is and unfair in nature, was added intentionally. Hopefully, this will be fixed promptly so fans behind Elden Ring's success can continue to enjoy the game.

Elden Ring is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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