Elden Ring is set to arrive at the end of the week, which means that the excitement felt by fans is almost palpable. FromSoftware has now released what will likely be Elden Ring's last trailer, as it was titled as the game's launch trailer. The video contained a host of new enemies, biomes, and bosses that will likely only further accentuate fans' hype.

Unfortunately, it is possible that some fans already know some of what is to come, as a few Elden Ring spoilers leaked online. This prompted FromSoftware to kindly ask fans via Twitter not to spoil Elden Ring for others. Luckily, for fans intending to play the game on release, they will not have to avoid spoilers for much longer.

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Earlier this week, FromSoftware released an Elden Ring overview trailer that revealed a surprising amount of information about the game's premise. This was rather unexpected, as FromSoftware has only given Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice a trailer this detailed. This may mean that FromSoftware is taking a less ambiguous approach to storytelling in Elden Ring much like the company did with Sekiro.

The launch trailer that released today, on the other hand, was filled to the brim with exciting action scenes showing off new bosses, areas, and enemies. The trailer showed off a gothic-looking castle, a weapon that seemed to act as both a shield and a cannon, multiple dragon bosses, a lobster enemy that grabbed the player in its pincer before attacking them, and a boss battle that seemed to take place in either space or an alternate dimension.

While this will most likely be a lot to take in, it seems as though FromSoftware decided to showcase the most exciting aspects of the game right before release. Elden Ring's classes were announced sporadically via Twitter screenshots most likely in an attempt to build hype for the game. The classes seem to be very different from the classes available in the Dark Souls games, as Elden Ring seems to be going for a less traditional aesthetic.

The most interesting class so far is arguably Elden Ring's Prisoner class, as the character model is adorned with an iron mask that the class is said to be bound with. This aesthetic seems to fit the theme of Elden Ring perfectly and it will be interesting to see how the class plays on release. Luckily for fans, it will not be long now until they can experience Hidetaka Miyazaki's latest fantastical creation.

Elden Ring launches February 25 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: FromSoftware Should Make a Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Sequel After Elden Ring