Now that the greatly anticipated action role-playing game, Elden Ring, has finally launched, players can experience the souls-like world from developer FromSoftware. So far, the game has had a successful launch, and with that launch comes an interesting recreation of The Joker.

In most RPG titles, players can look forward to what character customization systems the game will offer. Elden Ring appears to provide an excellent system, allowing players to create both unique and familiar faces to take on the game's adventures.

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In this case, one player chose to take advantage of Elden Ring's character creator to reinvent the infamous DC villain, The Joker, who is well known across media platforms. Redditor u/Xtrero shared a screenshot of their near-perfect recreation of the beloved villain. They commented that they believed they accomplished something within an hour of playing the game, and that accomplishment was a vast exploration of Elden Ring's character creator.


Just like the spot-on recreation of Kratos from the God of War series by another player, u/Xtrero brought the familiar face of the Joker over to Elden Ring. Based on the screenshot, it seems u/Xtrero was going for The Dark Knight look of the Joker, as his green hair is slicked backward and almost shoulder-length, but without the smeared makeup. However, their in-game version of the Joker may have also been inspired by the Batman: Arkham series with his angular jaw, seemingly broken pointed nose, some chalky skin, and a devious grin.

It seems many Redditors are impressed by u/Xtrero's version of the Joker, applauding them for their efforts to create a great homage to the Batman villain, even if it is not quite perfect. After all, there are still limitations to the character creation, and it is possible that without those limitations, the player may have been able to mimic the smeared, messy look of the Joker's makeup. With more options, it could have also been possible to give The Joker his short, pointed hairstyle that is seen Batman: The Animated Series. Regardless, in the comments, other Redditors remarked with famous quotes from The Joker, such as asking how he received his scars and the infamous "why so serious" phrase.

For the most part, Players seem pretty satisfied with Elden Ring's character creation, as many are taking to Reddit with their fascinating recreations, such as the attempt one player made at creating a version of handsome Shrek. It seems like players can look forward to running into some familiar faces as they traverse the world of Elden Ring.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Reddit