
  • Use the environment strategically to gain the upper hand in invasions and surprise hosts with devastating attacks.
  • Utilize enemy NPCs to create traps and distractions, giving invaders a chance to regroup and gain an advantage.
  • Experiment with different weapons, Ashes of War, and talismans to adapt to various situations and maximize survivability.

Invasions are a key part of the Elden Ring experience, where players take the fight to each other in disruptive, high-pressure battles. Invaders are usually on the back foot, with significantly fewer Flasks of Crimson Tears and up to three enemy players to deal with.

Elden Ring: 10 Underrated Ashes Of War For PvP

The most commonly-used Ashes of War in Elden Ring's PvP, like Bloodhound Step, won't catch opponents unawares like these underrated Ashes of War will.

Without a plan or significant skill, invasions can be very frustrating for players who must figure it out and "git gud" on their own. This sometimes becomes a barrier to both fun and actually trying to improve, making some abandon invasions altogether. There are, however, some tools, rules, and tricks that could improve the overall experience and make invaders much more threatening.

1 Use The Environment To Your Advantage

Camouflage & High Ground

Invader Wearing Stealth Camouflage Armour

Darting straight at the enemy once the invasion commences is a common mistake that gets players flanked and completely obliterated by the host and their companions. One important key to successful invasions is capitalizing on every advantage available. It is best to analyze the environment and devise a strategy that puts the player in a strong position.

Gaining the high ground, for instance, opens up a few ranged options for the invader, and the Ash of War Rain of Arrows is an excellent attack option that decimates unsuspecting enemies with highly damaging arrows from above. The element of surprise is often key to securing the win during an invasion and with such an approach, invaders can instantly take out the host or at least whittle down companions.

Depending on where players spawn, certain armor sets or combinations will provide excellent camouflage to keep them hidden. Combined with the Host's Trick Mirror Talisman, which removes the red invader aura, players can easily blend into the environment, setting the host up for sneaky backstabs and other surprise attacks. A great camouflage combination for dark areas is the Page Hood, Highwayman Cloth Armour, Leather Gloves, and Leather Boots.

2 Use Enemy NPCs For Backup

Lure The Host Into A Trap

Monstrous Dog, Attacking In Caelid

Invaders are completely ignored by enemy NPCs. This comes in very handy when players find themselves in desperate situations on the battlefield. Once they have an advantage, the host team will often blindly pursue the invader, presenting an opportunity to lead them into a trap where they must also deal with other dangerous enemies.

This strategy could potentially swing the tide of battle if the host team is overwhelmed by the enemy NPCs or at the very least, it will buy the invader enough time to regroup.

3 Get Familiar With Many Weapons & Ashes Of War

Do Not Get Caught Off Guard


Elden Ring has up to 308 weapons and 91 Ashes of War. Not all of them are viable for PvP, but there is a large portion of them that are used regularly. Taking time to experiment and explore different attacks has its rewards. Knowing how to deal with various attacks and recognizing animations and their frame windows are key knowledge checks that will save an invader from making mistakes out of ignorance.

Elden Ring: 8 Best Infusible Weapons

Infusing weapons is a great strategy in FromSoftware's Elden Ring. Here are the best infusible weapons in the game.

Having a solid knowledge base about attacks can help players discover moves that naturally combo for devastating damage. For example, jumping light attacks for some greatswords and spears will combo into two follow-up light attacks for considerable damage. Comprehensive knowledge of weapons and attacks will also enable invaders to punish hosts who recklessly spam certain moves by baiting and parrying.

4 Buff Up

Boost Attack & Defense

flask of wondrous physick and thorny crystal tear in elden ring

Being at a general disadvantage during invasions makes it necessary to max out both attack and defense for a fighting chance. Certain consumables provide the extra resistance and power needed to survive encounters.

Boiled Crab & Boiled Prawn

  • Boosts physical damage negation for 20% and 15% respectively for 60 seconds
  • Can be purchased from Blackguard Big Boggart in Capital Outskirts or Twin Maiden Husks after giving them Boggart's Bell Bearing

Exalted Flesh

  • Boosts physical damage by 20% in PvE and 15% in PvP
  • Can be crafted after obtaining the Armourer's Cookbook (3) which can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in East Limgrave

Bloodboil Aromatic

  • Boosts physical damage by 30% in PvE and 20% in PvP for 60 seconds
  • Boosts max stamina by 20% for 60 seconds
  • Reduces damage negation by 25% for 60 seconds
  • Can be crafted after obtaining the Perfumers Cookbook (2) at The Shaded Castle in Altus Plateau

Flask Of Wondrous Physick

5 Be Creative & Unpredictable

Stay Elusive & Be Efficient


Despite being outgunned, invaders must create a sense of caution in the minds of the host team. Using AOE attacks and throwables to keep them at bay is a simple way to do this. For example, dashing behind a wall where the pursuers briefly lose sight of the invader is a perfect opportunity to initiate the Bloodboon Ritual Ash of War with Mohg's Sacred Spear. Depending on the player's stats, the full attack could kill enemies.

Elden Ring: Best Co-Op Builds For PVP

Elden Ring allows players to combat with each other alongside the game's co-op mode. However, what is the best build for the PVP mode?

Having a versatile arsenal during invasions is great for keeping enemies on their toes and also helps the invader deal with a wider range of situations. Having a quick projectile or throwable will usually help invaders prevail in situations where the enemy is very low on health. Quick ranged attacks will deny them time to heal and eat through their remaining health.

6 Highly Beneficial Talismans

More Power & Survivability


Including the +2 variants, there are over 100 talismans in the game. Among these are some essential options for invaders. Depending on the build, there may be some variations but these will serve as a solid foundation for just about any build.

Erdtree's Favour Talisman

  • +2 variant gives a 4% HP buff, 8% stamina buff, and 8% increase in Equip Load
  • +2 variant can be found in Leyndell, Ashen Capital

Shard Of Alexander

  • Greatly boosts attack power of skills by 15%
  • Dropped by Iron Fist Alexander after completing his questline

Bull-Goat's Talisman

  • Increases poise by 25%
  • Located at the rear of Dragonbarrow Cave
  • With increased poise invaders can resist getting stunlocked or interrupted during their attacks, making them more threatening to enemies. Baiting attacks could present opportunities to trade that will devastate unsuspecting foes.

Dagger Talisman

Hosts's Trick Mirror

  • Gives the invader the appearance of a cooperator and removes the red glow
  • Can be purchased at Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold
  • Confuse hosts by appearing as a cooperator for cheeky sneak attacks. The talisman also makes it easier to stay camouflaged when paired with the right armor

These talismans can work in tandem, giving invaders a good balance of survivability and attack power.

elden ring cover
Elden Ring

PS5 , Xbox One , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
February 25, 2022
From Software
RPG , Action