An Elden Ring invader had a near-death experience when they fell, only to be saved by an elevator. With Elden Ring being the game that it is, an action-RPG with an emphasis on difficulty, there are many ways to die in it. Many players simply die by the multitude of bosses that make up the game's approximately 238 bosses, some of which have been known to kill three players in one hit. Others have unlucky outcomes in enemy encounters or even with glitches that turn to their disadvantage. However, there are many that have their downfall come about from just falling.

It's quite easy to fall in Elden Ring too, with so many towering structures with so little in the way of wide pathways or safety railings. However, falling is a part of the game, as not only is it just a way that players die, but it's also a decent tactic for fighting, as players have been known to trick other players to fall off cliffs in Elden Ring's PVP or just NPC enemies to get rid of them quickly. Yet, one must always take care when coming across long drops.

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This one player was lucky, for they weren't very cautious when they were running around in an Elden Ring dungeon, yet they weren't punished for their carelessness. Posting to r/Eldenring, user Smoreseatschicken uploaded a video of them as an invader running through a dungeon. As they were running through, they didn't realize it as they fell into an elevator shaft with the elevator, not at the top. As they fell though, the elevator was rising up and caught them on the way. While they did suffer a little damage, they didn't perish from falling.

That isn't the case for one user in the comments, who fell down the same hole, but only as the elevator was descending. Its speed was too fast and led to the player dying from the fall. This would've been unfortunate for the player in the video, who had half a million runes on them. While not as much as some players who have built up a fortune of 80 million runes, to lose even 500k would be frustrating for any player.

Falling is one of the leading causes of death in the game, making up about 14% of player deaths in Elden Ring according to an infographic. With how easy it is to fall in Elden Ring, one must always take caution with where they step. Carelessness has led to the downfall of many players, and it is certain to claim many more of a player's hard-earned runes in the future.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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