
  • Some powerful spells in Elden Ring have long cast times, making it difficult to use them in battle effectively.
  • Unseen Blade is a sneaky weapon spell that can catch opponents off guard but requires skill to use properly.
  • Thop's Barrier is great against magic attacks but requires practice to deflect spells back at enemies.

Many Elden Ring players gravitate towards the largest sword they can find or duel-wielding weapons, while others focus on the various sorcerer spells and incantations a player can learn throughout their adventure.

Elden Ring: NPCs You Should Not Kill

The Tarnished should stay his blade when it comes to these Elden Ring NPCs, who are definitely not worth killing.

Many of these spells are powerful and can kill an enemy flawlessly, but some of them can be difficult to pull off. This is because many of these spells need time to be cast before they can deal a lot of damage, which leaves the player open to attacks that can then block the spell outright.

8 Ranni's Dark Moon

Long Cast Time That Is Better To Use When Hidden

Ranni’s Dark Moon in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Full Moon Sorceries

FP Cost


Stat Requirement

68 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Found at the top of Chelona's Rise, which can only be accessed by making progress in Ranni's questline.

While Ranni's Dark Moon is a great spell for intelligence builds in Elden Ring, the spell does have some difficulty in being used during battles. Players must first sit through a casting animation that sees their character become a moon before it is then blasted toward the enemy.

During this animation, the player is susceptible to attacks from an enemy, which means, without any sort of distraction, the player is likely to get attacked, causing the spell to never be cast. Therefore, for players that want to make the most of this spell, it is best to use it as soon as battle starts to give them the most time to pull it off.

7 Unseen Blade

Surprise Weapon That Needs To Trick Players

Elden Ring Unseen Blade

Spell Type

Night Sorceries

FP Cost


Stat Requirement

12 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Found at the top of the Mirage Rise tower.

Unseen Blade is a brilliant option for any spellcaster that wields weapons within PvP of Elden Ring. Casting this spell on a player's weapon will make it entirely disappear from the opponent's eye.

Therefore, a player can get the jump on their opponent by hitting them by surprise with an incredibly deadly weapon that first appeared as if the player was simply fighting with their bare-hands. It's difficult to pull this off as, naturally, many invaders are going to be suspicious of why a person doesn't have a weapon equipped, though in the right hands it can be incredibly deadly.

6 Aspects Of The Crucible: Tail

Stun-lock Enemies But Deal No Damage

Aspects of the Crucible: Tail in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Erdtree Incantations

FP Cost


Stat Requirement

27 Fai

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Dropped by the Crucible Knight boss in the Stormhill Evergaol.

Players may find difficulty using the incantation aspects of the Crucible: Tail, due to the fact that the spell does little damage to the player's opponent. However, this is because this isn't how the spell is supposed to be used.

Elden Ring: Halberds Tier List

Halberds may not be the best weapons in Elden Ring, but they offer some good damage and reach, making them a good option for quality builds.

The Tail is perfect for stun-locking enemies and, therefore, breaking their poise. This opens up the opponent to critical attacks. While one hit may put them in this state, a player should carefully dance around their enemy, making the most of the stun-locked effect to deal damage with a weapon.

5 Thop's Barrier

Great Against Magic But Terrible Versus Melee

Thop’s Barrier in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Glintstone Sorceries

FP Cost

7 (7 more to use it for longer)

Stat Requirement

18 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Can be looted from Thop's body at the end of his questline.

Thop's Barrier is a difficult spell for players to make the most of, mainly because it is only useful when taking on other opponents that are using magic too. This barrier allows players to simply have opposing spells slide right off their barrier.

If the player has the dedication to learning how to use it, the barrier can then be used to hit foes behind them, as aiming it in the right direction will deflect the spell backwards to hit a flanking enemy. This can be incredibly difficult to do, which will require a lot of practice from the player, otherwise it's simply a barrier.

4 Loretta's Greatbow

Takes A While To Charge

Loretta's Greatbow in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Loretta's Sorceries

FP Cost


Stat Requirement

26 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Dropped by Royal Knight Loretta when defeated in Caria Manor.

As the name of the spell suggests, when the player casts Loretta's Greatbow, they summon a large bow that fires a powerful magic missile. However, it takes a while to properly charge this spell if players want to strike an enemy with as much magical power as possible.

Like many other spells mentioned, a lot of the difficulty with Loretta's Greatbow comes from needing to wait for the spell to channel. This therefore leaves the player open to various attacks. Thankfully, there are talismans that can reduce the amount of time spells, take to charge, but it can still be difficult to pull it off.

3 Aspects Of The Crucible: Horns

Difficult To Aim At Foes

The Aspects of the Crucible: Horns in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Erdtree Incantations

FP Cost


Stat Requirement

27 Fai

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Dropped by the Crucible Knight in Stormveil Castle.

The tail isn't the only Aspects of the Crucible players can obtain. Another is the Horn, which also has the potential to stun or knock back smaller enemies. No matter how powerful this incantation is, players are sure to need to take some time to learn how to use it effectively.

Elden Ring: Bows Tier List

FromSoftware games have never had great ranged combat, but Elden Ring changes that, with a great selection of bows suited for a range of builds.

This is because it suffers from the same fate as many spells of having a large cast time. Besides this, some players may find it difficult to aim the horn that is produced by the incantation in the right direction, which can then leave the player open to attack as it wouldn't stun the opponent.

2 Meteorite

Long Charge And Need To Be Close

Meteorite Spell in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Gravity Sorceries

FP Cost

30 (10 more to cast it longer)

Stat Requirement

30 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Dropped by the Onyx Lord in the Royal Grave Evergaol.

Meteorite is an incredibly powerful spell that players enjoy because of the physical damage it does that can stun-lock enemies, leaving them open to critical attacks. However, to get to this point, a spellcaster must be in the middle of the action so they can summon meteorites to the surrounding ground.

This can be rather difficult as the spell takes some time to be cast, then the player must continue to be uninterrupted if they wish to continue to summon more meteorites to hit the group of enemies or at least one large boss. Being so close can also be quite dangerous as any area effects will stop the spell.

1 Comet Azure

Hard To Aim At Quicker Enemies

Comet Azure in Elden Ring

Spell Type

Primeval Sorceries

FP Cost

40 (10 more to use it for longer)

Stat Requirement

60 Int

Slots Used


Where it Can Be Found

Given to the player by the Primeval Sorcerer, Azur, who can be found in Hermit Village.

Comet Azure is by far one of the most powerful spells in Elden Ring, but it could also be considered to be one of the most difficult to use too. This first starts with how long it takes to use the spell, which is only made worse if the player fails to aim it properly.

As the Comet Azure casts a beam of magic, it can't be moved once the spell has started, meaning it can be quite a challenge to use against bosses or smaller enemies that move quickly. In these situations, a different spell is more useful, though even against large foes, players may struggle with Comet Azure.

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Elden Ring

PS5 , Xbox One , PS4 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
February 25, 2022
From Software
RPG , Action