From Software's upcoming title, Elden Ring, should be arriving sometime this year if the company intends to release for PS4 and Xbox One before they become outdated by next-gen consoles. However, not every fan is excited simply because this is the next follow-up to take the reigns after Sekiro and Dark Souls, but because of the reported collaboration with Game of Thrones creator, George R. R. Martin.

Martin's history of writing expansive lore and compelling characters has perked interest from far beyond the From Software fan-base and is garnering attention from Game of Thrones fans everywhere. However, if Elden Ring really wants to utilize Martin's style to the fullest, there's one key feature from the Game of Thrones series, as well as the Song of Ice and Fire books the show is based from, that should find its way into the game: his distinctive way of writing and building a world and characters.

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Martin's Lore in Elden Ring

elden ring release date leak

To begin the discussion, it should be stated what Martin's role in the making of Elden Ring has been up until this point and the impact he will have on the game in general. For one, Martin isn't necessarily writing the story that players will follow as they play through Elden Ring, not that longtime fans of From Software are expecting a straightforward story. Instead, Martin has reportedly written a sort of codex of lore that the developers are taking note from as the backbone of the lore that will inspire the more open world of Elden Ring.

This is something important to note when looking at the extent of what Martin's influence will be on the upcoming title. As a result, players shouldn't come in expecting twisting plot lines and character interactions in the same way that happen in Martin's books. What's more likely to come out of this collaboration is From Software's legacy of creating games off the ruins of a civilization, this time being the one that Martin created the lore for, tasking Elden Ring players with either reviving or destroying and already crumbling world.

Character Alliances in Elden Ring

most anticipated games 2020 elden ring 9

This is something that From Software has dabbled in before, but never explored quite as freely as Game of Thrones has, and could set Elden Ring apart from Dark Souls. Having characters pledge their allegiance to a specific cause or ruler could make for much more complex interactions between the player and the world than previous titles have allowed. Depending on the choices players make, certain character quests could be locked out thanks to these shifting alliances, turning once friendly NPCs into hostile enemies, or the other way around.

Previous From Software titles, like Dark Souls 3, have had situations where depending on what covenant the player belongs to, some quests might end abruptly, or the end of a characters story comes down to a fight against them. However, it's usually fairly cut and dry with one character at a time responding to each decision, but most characters that aren't tied directly to those covenants going about their business regardless of player choices. It would require a lot more work, but if From Software takes some notes from how Game of Thrones builds its characters and their alliances, it could open up for a more complex world that rewards multiple playthroughs.

Even classic From Software characters could fit this mold perfectly, with long time favorites like Patches playing a role similar to that of Littlefinger, changing sides and making deals whenever it's convenient for him. For fans looking to see some of Martin's influence spill further into Elden Ring when it releases than a simple lore codex, the developers may want to look at how characters interact with each other. One of the most notable ways to show this type of storytelling would also come from characters deciding to attack the player out of their allegiance, as opposed to simply because they went hollow, or whatever the Elden Ring version will be.

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Warring Nations in Elden Ring

elden ring

So, nations in conflict is actually nothing new for From Software, but due to the way that most of the company's titles are based after the fall of kingdoms, we rarely get to see the fighting occur firsthand. In the case of Elden Ring, with a lore book scripted by Martin, there could be plenty of room to see the the remnants of the world committing themselves to their lords and lands and having an all out war, which early Elden Ring rumors nearly confirmed. It would be an intriguing way to show that there is a living world always turning regardless of whether the player is interacting with it or not.

This concept was actually utilized a bit in From Software's latest release, Sekiro, with an invading nation coming to attack Ashina after the title character cuts a path for them to follow. However, following Martin's brand of storytelling, it may be better to show the war happening at all times of the game, with the player only having a small role in the fighting of a much larger video game world. Similarly, the war should take its own course, not determined by a single character or the player, since the fighting in Game of Thrones doesn't often give a character plot armor and make anyone the hero.

On top of Martin's influence, the Norse details that helped shape the world of Elden Ring also lends itself to having multiple nations fighting against each other. Much of the mythology is based on battles between gods, giants, and other magical creatures, meaning the player and other human characters could just be caught in the middle of grander battles being fought elsewhere, with those creatures arriving as From Software's brutal bosses. With these influences, it's almost certain that at least some fighting will be seen in-game, as opposed to through the environment.

These are the large, world building concepts that Martin uses in his writing that captivates audiences, but goes against the trends that From Software has created for itself. However, if the success of games like Breath of the Wild or From Software's own Sekiro has proved anything, changing up the formula can be a great thing for both fans and developers. With any luck, Elden Ring may wind up being the most story forward game From Software has released, but we'll have to wait for the next announcement from From Software to know anything for sure.

Elden Ring is currently in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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