Elden Ring is the highly anticipated next game from storied developer FromSoftware. The game seems so far like a spiritual successor to Dark Souls, but many elements of FromSoftware's other major games like Bloodborne and Sekiro are also at work. Elden Ring is set to be full of many firsts for FromSoft, however. The open-field concept is opening up its world in a way not seen in Dark Souls or Bloodborne and an increased emphasis on player choice is bringing stronger stealth elements and the like. In fitting with a much larger world though, Elden Ring will feature a map. This seemingly small detail is actually a huge departure for the developer and has interesting implications.

FromSoftware has one of the most dedicated fanbases in modern gaming. So every little detail that's been revealed about Elden Ring has been analyzed and picked apart a hundred times over. Gamescom 2021 brought a lot of new details about Elden Ring and naturally a lot of excitement from its fans. New screenshots and a hands-off preview event revealed new enemies, a better sense of the open-field concept, and a map feature. The map is on its face a very minor change, but it shakes up the Soulsborne formula in a major way.

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Adding a Map in Elden Ring is a Big Deal for FromSoftware

elden ring automaton screenshot feature

Exploration has always been a key part of FromSoftware's popular formula. Each of its games is full of hidden items, encounters, and areas that aren't on the main path by any stretch. Finding these secrets is part of what gives Dark Souls and Bloodborne their staying power. It's worth mentioning that all of FromSoftware's games maintain very active online communities that are still postulating about what certain clues mean and are still finding new things in the expansive Chalice Dungeons of Bloodborne, for example. But all of these games have been explored without the benefit of an in-game map. While new Elden Ring screenshots haven't shown its map directly, the game's director confirmed some elements of how it will work.

In traditional FromSoftware fashion, it doesn't seem like its map will follow most modern conventions for a game's map. Miyazaki, the game's director, confirmed the map will be presented as if it was drawn by an actual cartographer. Players will have to largely fill the map out themselves as well. Players will be able to use the map to place markers on dungeon entrances, treasures, and powerful enemies in Elden Ring. But even with a fairly minimal map system, longtime FromSoftware fans will see the potential it has to change up the formula in a big way.

In previous FromSoftware games, players had to either rely on their memory, hand-made maps, or fan-made resources online. With how compact the game worlds are at first this doesn't often feel like a hindrance. That changes quickly as players uncover the various shortcuts and hidden paths that can turn even the relatively small Central Yharnam area at the beginning of Bloodborne into a labyrinthian maze. Elden Ring including new elements that better facilitate gameplay in a larger world makes a lot of sense, and it's something many players will be happy to have in their toolset.

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Implementing a Map in the FromSoftware Formula

elden ring horse-faced enemy feature

Being able to have an in-game map will be a huge quality-of-life improvement over the older games. It seems like Elden Ring is focused on making some elements from previous games more accessible. Miyazaki has said that the co-op feature will be easier to initiate, and adding a map is a great way to engage players who aren't as immersed in the FromSoftware formula. While some purists may be worried about the game catering to newer players too much, it's doubtful that Elden Ring will be any easier of a game to master than Dark Souls before it.

But bringing in new fans will be integral for Elden Ring. It's going to be the first next-gen FromSoftware game, so appealing to a wider audience could work out great for FromSoftware. Adding a map could go a long way in doing just that. That being said, it's likely that Elden Ring's map won't be as fleshed out as many other modern games. It's unknown if maps of the various dungeons will be included either. It's likely going to be just for the overworld but it's also a possibility that the map's text will include keys to Elden Ring's lore.

It's very common for FromSoftware games to present narrative in an ambiguous way that leaves players to read things like item descriptions to piece together the full picture. It's likely that the map will also include small bits of information in much that same way. This would be a way to tie the new mechanic back to a common Soulsborne trope and further help flesh out the world of Elden Ring. having a functional map of the game world could also help players plan ahead for another new emphasis in Elden Ring.

Having a map will help players have a better sense of direction and as such help in planning ways to approach an enemy encounter. Elden Ring's new options for stealth are another way it's hoping to emphasize player freedom in determining how to handle situations. Having a map could go a long way in planning ahead for this kind of approach. Miyazaki has said that players will be able to mark enemies, but it's unknown as of yet if the world's topography will be well-represented on the map. With so much verticality coming in Elden Ring, that would be a great tool for players.

Such a small change in adding a map is likely going to shake up the formula in big ways. Just how detailed the map will be or how much of the game will actually be mapped isn't completely clear yet. But as Elden Ring continues to garner excitement online, the ideas about just what the map will be are already percolating. The game has already seen an almost unprecedented level of theories and postulation. Elden Ring is highly anticipated, so even a small detail like the addition of a map can cause waves online.

Elden Ring is slated for release on January 21st, 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

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