One of the last places players visit in Elden Ring is the Forge of the Giants, located in the corner of the Mountaintops of the Giants. Players can only reach this massive structure after they've successfully defeated the Fire Giant, one of the toughest bosses in the game. After resting at the Site of Grace and speaking with Malenia, Elden Ring players are transported to Crumbling Farum Azula, which is the last proper dungeon before the finale.

With Elden Ring having been out for months already, many fans may have assumed that any secrets that the Forge of the Giants may have held had been discovered long ago. However, Elden Ring players have now discovered a secret invisible structure near the Forge of the Giants. We have confirmed that it is there in our own testing, but two questions remain. What is it and what purpose does it serve?

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The invisible structure near the Forge of the Giants was discovered by Reddit user Bluepenguin053, who shared a video of it on Reddit. If players want to visit the invisible structure for themselves, they can fast-travel to the Forge of the Giants Site of Grace and then look east. A running jump with Torrent will allow players to land on the invisible object, whatever it is. It lets players drop down to a lower invisible section, but if they attempt to jump into the Forge of the Giants kiln or anywhere else, they will fall to their deaths.

By now, it's likely that Elden Ring players will see be able to see exactly where the invisible structure is located because other players have caught wind of this and have been attempting to explore it for themselves. Elden Ring players have been leaving messages on the invisible object, not to mention bloodstains from their attempts to land on it and explore further. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though players have any concrete answers about the invisible structure, though there are some theories.

One theory is that this is simply cut content that still has collision detection, hence why players can land on it but don't see anything. Others think that it may be a legitimate invisible path that leads to some big secret, though that seems highly unlikely. Reddit user saithvenomdrone offered the most convincing explanation, that it is geometry for the wolf head ornaments players can see on the Forge of the Giants kiln, but the developers turned it invisible when adding the big crack and forgot to completely remove it.

If there is some big purpose to this newly-discovered invisible structure in Elden Ring, it's hard to say what it may be at this point. Perhaps fans will get their answers if FromSoftware ever releases an Elden Ring DLC expansion, but fans shouldn't hold their breath. The most likely scenario is that this is simply a design oversight. And now that it's been discovered, it's possible FromSoftware will remove it in a future update.

Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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