An unlucky Elden Ring player suffered a heartbreaking loss during the fight against the Fire Giant. It can be a difficult fight, and players are required to beat this boss to progress to the next part of the main story. Elden Ring ramps up in difficulty around the time of this battle, as the game's third act is known to feature some of the hardest fights in the game.

Many Elden Ring fans have shared videos of their heartbreaking defeats in the battle with the Fire Giant. While some of these losses can be attributed to bad luck, a few of them feature bizarre events, such as when one Elden Ring player ended up dying during the transition animation for the second phase of the encounter. Now, another user has shared their devastating loss to this boss, moments before possibly achieving victory.

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A Reddit user named SendInRandom has shared a clip of their fight against the Fire Giant in Elden Ring, showing that the boss only has a sliver of health left. On the other hand, the player has over half of their HP, so it looks like they will obtain victory after landing the next hit. SendInRandom cleverly dodges a couple of fireballs as they charge toward the Fire Giant, only for the boss to unleash a devastating area-of-effect fire attack, killing the player in just two hits.

Many users in the comments section offer words of advice, such as recommending that SendInRandom craft throwables like knives in Elden Ring for situations similar to the one in this clip. Another player mentions that their greed cost them the kill, suggesting that a simple Freezing Pot would have done the job. SendInRandom states that they have never seen the Fire Giant use this move before, which is why it took them by surprise and led to their unfortunate defeat. A different user also claims to have never seen the attack before, so it looks like this move may not be that common.

The rest of the comments feature users discussing the difficulty of the fight, with one player stating that this boss is a damage sponge. Another user claims that the Fire Giant is their least favorite boss in Elden Ring, with one gamer calling the move that downed SendInRandom the worst attack in the game. Despite these complaints, the Fire Giant is actually not among the top five hardest bosses in Elden Ring, as it looks like gamers had a tougher time beating Malenia, Margit, and the Tree Sentinel, among others.

Elden Ring is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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