Let Me Solo Her has become somewhat of a legend in the Elden Ring community. Since the player was first introduced to the public through an online story, he has blown up in popularity among the game's players.

Let Me Solo Her has gained this attention from Elden Ring players for being able to take on the game's toughest boss, Malenia, without taking any damage. The player is able to do so while wearing nothing but a jar on his head, ahd he has become well known to the point that many gamers create art work and memes about the player.

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A Redditor going by the handle Apprehensive_Emu7227 has drawn a humorous piece featuring Let Me Solo Her. The piece takes a famous scene from the movie The Shining and places the player into it. The result is a great parody that sums up the experience that gamers witness after they summon the Elden Ring player known as Let Me Solo Her.

In Apprehensive_Emu7227's piece, Elden Ring's Malenia takes Shelley Duvall's place in the iconic scene from the film where she tries to hide in a bathroom from Jack Nicholson's character. The door has been replaced with the fog door that players must go through to enter a boss' arena in Elden Ring and shows two katanas coming through instead of an axe. We then see Let Me Solo Her's jar helmet peek through the fog, similar to how Nicholson's character does in the film.

Though some players say that they are getting tired of Let Me Solo Her memes, many find Apprehensive_Emu7227's drawing funny. Fans like the reference to The Shining and feel that the parody is made quite well. Some joke that FromSoftware needs to make Let Me Solo Her canon or a part of DLC for Elden Ring. A few gamers commented that this is the best meme focusing on the player so far, stating that Malenia's facial expressions in the drawing are perfect.

Apprehensive_Emu7227 is not the only one coming up with great Let Me Solo Her fan art. An artist going by the name Lautaroart drew an amazing black and white piece of the player, in which Let Me Solo Her sits in a resting position with his two katanas on either side of him. Smoke surrounds the player, and his arms are covered in blood, which most likely belongs to Malenia. The drawing is a great piece dedicated to Let Me Solo Her and is an example of the status that the player has reached in the Elden Ring community.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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