Despite how technologically ambitious Elden Ring is, that doesn't necessarily mean that the game is exempt from any technical issues. As with most open-world games of this size and scale, Elden Ring still possesses a number of glitches and bugs that can impact any player's experience with the game. However, sometimes those glitches can impact enemies as opposed to players.

Considering just how huge the world of Elden Ring is, it's considerably easy for glitches to slip through the cracks, but most of them occur outside the player's control. For instance, one player witnessed a strange glitch in Elden Ring where a runebear sank through the ground, but this most recent glitch is quite different in that the enemy in question can't make it down to ground level in order to engage the player.

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Over on Reddit, a user named MrRugges posted a brief gameplay clip of an enemy trying to either climb or drop down from a ladder. The enemy appears to be doing a motion above the ladder that could almost be described as teabagging, and according to the user, their foe had been doing this for several minutes. The user concludes the clip by activating the "dejection" gesture, making the player character drops to their knees in despair.

While the situation itself is quite hilarious, it's strange how the enemy managed to get into this position in the first place. A number of enemies in Elden Ring are able to climb up and down ladders, and some of the game's enemies are able to teleport. For whatever reason, though, this particular enemy is unable to register the action of climbing down the ladder.

It's amazing how much players have managed to see within Elden Ring, as well as the boundaries the player base has been able to push. However, as with this most recent glitch, a lot of these technical hiccups have occurred completely by accident. For example, one player witnessed an odd glitch that caused an Elden Ring enemy to start spinning in the air.

In any case, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for Elden Ring going forward. Earlier this month, the Barbarians of the Badlands DLC for Elden Ring was uncovered by users, but since then, there hasn't been much indication in terms of what that DLC will look like in practice. With the release date for the DLC presumably set for 2023, fans will certainly have time to speculate about the finer details of this post-launch content.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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