
  • In Elden Ring, hiding and disguising oneself as enemy NPCs can be an effective and humorous strategy to survive invasions in multiplayer.
  • Invasion multiplayer is different from duel multiplayer, as there are no rules and anything goes, making avoiding combat a safer survival option.
  • Impersonating enemies not only allows players to hide from invaders but also sets up surprise attacks and funny encounters, adding to the enjoyment of the game.

Among all the gear in Elden Ring that players can use in multiplayer, the best choice may not always be the strongest weapons and armor. Instead of directly confronting Invaders with a fight to the death, sometimes it’s a much better strategy to go into hiding. There are a number of ways that players can hide themselves from unwanted Invaders in Elden Ring, some of them making the player nearly unrecognizable. One method though has proven to be a surprisingly effective and silly strategy, because it allows players to hide in plain sight from any unwelcome guests. Specifically, by equipping the exact armor and weapons used by enemies throughout Elden Ring, players can achieve the perfect camouflage.

Invasions in Elden Ring happen when a player is involuntarily joined by a hostile player, as opposed to Duel multiplayer where the host and the opponents willingly summon each other for a fight. Invasions can be an extreme nuisance for players who have other priorities in mind, especially since playing co-op in Elden Ring seemingly makes players more likely to get Invaded than playing solo. Being Invaded in Elden Ring can lead players to try a variety of desperate tactics as a means of surviving the encounter, which sometimes turns into a comedic situation.

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Hiding Is a Clever Way to Survive Invasions in Elden Ring

Elden Ring Player in Soldier of Godrick Armor Set Holding a Torch Following an Enemy NPC

Duel multiplayer in Elden Ring often follows a set of unwritten rules, where a majority of the community abides by self-enforced terms of engagement. These unwritten rules for Elden Ring have been passed on throughout most Dark Souls-like games when it comes to multiplayer etiquette. However, Invasion multiplayer is a completely separate and less honorable experience where nothing is off the table, so anything goes. Given how wild and chaotic Invasion multiplayer can be, choosing to fight can be a fatal gamble, especially considering that Invasions can be survived by avoiding combat and outliving the opponent.

As long as players have obtained the right gear by discovering it or killing enough of the related enemies, overall, disguising as an NPC is an easy strategy to pull off. These disguises won't work on any NPCs, but it can be a hilariously viable strategy to use in Elden Ring’s PvP, especially for Invasions. Aside from equipping all the matching gear, the trick is to mimic enemies who are the same height and stature as the Tarnished player character so that the disguise is an exact recreation.

Disguising as enemies in Elden Ring’s open-world environments can be both an effective and hilarious strategy for multiple reasons. This tactic is a great way to hide from Invaders with a spontaneous game of hide-and-seek, but the potential doesn’t stop there. Not only are Invaders unlikely to see through the disguise at first, but since players can equip multiple weapons at a time, this strategy also allows players to set up an ambush where Invaders might least expect it. If the disguise becomes compromised, players can put up a fight by switching to their secondary weapons to catch any Invaders off-guard a second time. This initial reveal can be quite a funny encounter, but surprising Invaders with a fight against an overpowered version of a standard enemy is equally enjoyable.

While impersonating foot soldiers can be a funny way to get the upper hand in Invasion multiplayer, there's also the option of roleplaying in-game as some of the Rune Bearers or other unique enemies. The downside to disguising as some of Elden Ring’s most powerful enemies is that the size difference is usually a dead giveaway. However, this can still lead to some laughable moments where players find themselves recreating iconic boss fights with miniature versions of Elden Ring’s bosses.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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