When it comes to games like Elden Ring, there are often references to other games, as well as movies and television shows inside the game's world. In Elden Ring, sometimes those references are quite obvious, and other times, such as an apparent nod to Doctor Who, they can be rather subtle.

One of the reasons that Elden Ring is as well-liked as it is today is because players can journey through the world on their own, but with very obvious signs that people have been to the various locations and explored the various catacombs before them. As it happens, the messages and signs that players can leave for one another have allowed at least one Elden Ring user to realize that they weren't alone in thinking the game's developers were paying a bit of an homage to the Tardis-traveling Time Lord.

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Reddit user DockingCobra was just the latest to run into an Elden Ring message and scene that appeared to point out how FromSoftware had made reference to some rather creepy villains from the Doctor Who franchise. With a post captioned, "I'm glad someone had the same thought as me when I first saw these," the user included several screenshots from inside the Shaded Castle. The user apparently entered a room where there were quite a few statues that had mostly been covered by sheets or tarps.

The statues were positioned all around the room in different directions, but it was pretty clear that quite a few of them looked like they were surrounding and poised to attack the Elden Ring character. The player then showed a screenshot with the special message from another Elden Ring user saying, "be wary of angel," and it was apparent that both users felt as though the scene was very reminiscent of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.

The Weeping Angels are an especially vicious and terrifying enemy from the BBC series that first appear to be harmless statues of angels. However, they are actually an alien race that can only move when no one is looking at them. Weeping Angels move quite fast when they aren't being looked at, and once they reach their victim, they send them back in time, feeding off the energy produced by that action.

Several other Reddit users also understood the references to the Weeping Angels, with one posting simply, "don't blink!" That particular phrase is one often used in Doctor Who when The Doctor and his allies go up against those creatures. Others also commented that the reference underlined the missed opportunity Elden Ring had by not making the statues in the Shaded Castle something a bit scarier.

Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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