One Elden Ring fan made a comprehensive tier list of Crystal Tears in the game. Elden Ring is the first open-world game developed by FromSoftware and where players are rewarded for exploring the unknown. An intriguing part of Elden Ring is the collection of crystal tears, which can improve a player's abilities and are believed to contain magical properties. Elden Ring has several crystal tears, each with unique effects and properties.

These tears can grant players various advantages in Elden Ring, from boosting elemental damage to augmenting health regeneration or providing special abilities or spells. Some tears grant players abilities that can help them defeat formidable Elden Ring bosses like Mohg - Lord of Blood, while others, like Cerulean Hidden Tear, remove all FP consumption for a short time. One astute Elden Ring fan has made a tier list of all the Crystal Tears found in the game.

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Reddit user Tolnin uploaded an image on the Elden Ring subreddit containing the tier list of crystal tears, categorizing them into seven tiers. Surprisingly, the user named the top tier Opaline and allotted only one item to it, the Opaline Bubbletear. The Opaline Bubbletear is one of the most popular crystal tears from Elden Ring, as it increases the negation of all damage types by 90% for three minutes or until the player is hit. If the gamer is guarding with a shield that has 100% damage negation, the bubble will not pop on hit, but it will pop if the player is guarding while two-handing.

The following four tiers are marked S, A, B, and C, while the last two are named garbage and situational. The S tier contains prominent names like Crimson Bubbletear, Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear, Opaline Hardtear, and Crimsonburst Crystal Tear. A, B, and C categories have other well-known crystal tears like Spiked Cracked Tear, Thorny Cracked Tear, and Crimsonspill Crystal Tear. Interestingly, the last two tiers have the lion's share of the items, each with seven crystal tears from Elden Ring. Six crystal tears in the garbage category temporarily boost the player's attributes like strength, stamina, or dexterity, and the seventh is Windy Crystal Tear, which enhances dodge rolls.

Meanwhile, the crystal tears in the situational category can be useful in specific situations, like Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear, which temporarily boosts lightning damage. Tolnin's tier list can assist Elden Ring players in deciding which tears to prioritize, as it categorizes them based on their effectiveness. As gamers progress through Elden Ring and discover new tears, they can experiment with different combinations and strategies to see which works best for their play style.

Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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