Long past are the days when torches in FromSoftware games were strictly designated for illumination purposes. In many FromSoftware games, Elden Ring included, torches are a means to an end. But torches are not necessarily the only source of light players can use in impenetrably dark areas.

Bloodborne’s hand lantern, for example, made illumination accessible from a portable item that hangs on the player-character’s waist to ensure that their hands could be freed up to equip a trick weapon and a firearm. Elden Ring features its own lantern, which serves an identical purpose. However, there are uses for torches in Elden Ring that were not available in previous FromSoftware games, and while many are circumstantial or optionally effective in several encounters, they still have uses players may not be fully aware of.

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There are many more torches in Elden Ring than players may realize. It is no secret that Elden Ring’s Sentry Torch reveals invisible enemies. St. Trina’s Torch “induces sleep,” while the Ghostflame Torch inflicts magic damage. But one torch, as Redditor u/Angrymr_fuzzy has discovered, is capable of de-aggroing certain enemies. After having purchased it from a merchant, they test out the Beast-Repellent Torch on a pack of Caelid canines to great effect as they stand about menacingly but do not attack while the torch is equipped.

Elden Ring’s Beast-Repellent Torch is only available for purchase from the Isolated Merchant in Dragonbarrow but demonstrates why it is a useful strategy to purchase items from these scattered merchants. Even if some items do not seem like powerful armaments that players should upgrade at Master Hewg in the Roundtable Hold, they may still be of significant use in the right circumstances.

The Beast-Repellent Torch is effective against many beast creatures across the Lands Between. But it should be noted that while ordinary bears will not attack players with the torch equipped, Elden Ring's Runebears will still trample the player and are unaffected by the torch’s unique ability. Moreover, if the player gets too comfortable around affected beasts, they may still attack. In this instance, players need only unequip and equip it again to de-aggro the beast.

Beast creatures stand poised and prepared to attack, so it is best not to linger too long in an area that swarms with them if players can avoid it, even if they feel comfortable behind the Beast-Repellent Torch’s flame. Because Elden Ring’s open world is such a sprawling vista, it is favorable that it includes many optional strategies and items that some players may never even come across or use, if not for a gimmick run or other sort of challenge imparted on oneself.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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