A funny clip from Elden Ring proves that fans are probably never safe while playing this game. Even though Elden Ring is said to be more approachable than FromSoftware’s other titles, it’s still a challenging game and players can easily die to even regular enemies.

Since its release in February 2022, many fans have shared clips of them dying unexpectedly in Elden Ring. As an example, one clip shows how easily gamers can die while playing Elden Ring, and many users have probably experienced unexpected deaths over the course of their playthroughs. Now, another gamer has uploaded a video which proves that Elden Ring can be unfair at times.

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A Reddit user named Global-Tax7862 has shared a short clip showing their unfortunate death, highlighting that gamers are never safe while playing Elden Ring. It looks like Global-Tax7862 is facing off against an Abductor Virgin in Elden Ring, before deciding to jump into a building to avoid its spinning attack. The player successfully avoids taking damage, and it seems like they are safe inside the enclosure, as the enemy cannot reach them any longer. However, the Abductor Virgin unleashes a sickle-throw attack that goes through the nearby wall, killing Global-Tax7862 with a single attack.

As seen in the image, the player’s total HP appears to be shockingly low, so it’s perhaps unsurprising for them to have died with a single attack. The move depleted around 75% of their total health, and they perhaps could have survived this attack if they had leveled vigor in Elden Ring. Some Elden Ring fans have died due to having fairly low health, and this clip is another reminder for gamers to increase the vigor attribute.

Enemies attacking through walls is not an uncommon occurrence in Elden Ring, or in other games made by FromSoftware, and it’s unfortunate to see that players are still dying as a result. Many users in the comment section talk about this issue, and how the developers have yet to fix attacks clipping through walls. One gamer in the comments reiterates that nowhere is safe while playing FromSoftware titles in general.

It looks like many players have died to Abductor Virgins in Elden Ring, perhaps due to equally unfair circumstances, as gamers do not have kind words to share about this enemy type. In addition to Abductor Virgins, players will face off against many annoying enemies in Elden Ring, with Lesser Runebears possibly being at the top of this list.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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