There’s no denying the creativity of the Elden Ring community. Whether that’s how someone mods the game, the sometimes absolutely broken but nonsensical builds that players have put together, or how players have created everything from Waluigi to Melina with the character creator, the creativity is everywhere in Elden Ring.

The level of customization in Elden Ring’s character creator combined with its varied build possibilities has led to gameplay creations like Wolverine, Sonic the Hedgehog, and even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Now, one player has tried to design and build a Hunter from Bloodborne.

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Redditor probadplayer recently shared their creation with the community, with the added caption of a “Hunter must hunter, even in the Lands Between.” There’s no doubt that some of Elden Ring’s most grotesque monsters would fit right into the world of Bloodborne, so this crossover is fitting. In short, the player has blacked out their character as much as they could, put a face mask on, and put on some simple yet rigid and almost Victorian clothing.

elden ring bloodborne character
elden ring moon

Interested fans can click HERE to see the rest of the images, but it’s worth noting that the image of the moon with this Elden Ring character is fitting. As fans know, the moon plays a big role in Bloodborne and so it goes right along with the theme. Some fans have a theory that Elden Ring’s endings are essentially ancient prologues for some FromSoftware games, with the Age of Stars ending leading to the events of Bloodborne.

While that fan theory is likely never to be really proven, it’s just one more example of the community’s creativity. However, what’s worth noting is that it’s easy to look at this and see a completely different character. Some comments on this post have pointed out that probadplayer’s Hunter attempt also looks a lot like Noob Saibot from the Mortal Kombat franchise. It’s hard to unsee that, but in terms of making a Bloodborne Hunter in Elden Ring, this is a pretty good try.

Of course, Elden Ring’s popularity has been consistent since launch, and fans are likely to have more takes on a Bloodborne Hunter in the game. With so many possibilities, it’ll be nice to see what fans come up with next.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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