Elden Ring has constantly been in the news since its launch in February. It has already become From Software's biggest Steam launch and has the potential to reach even greater heights. Some facets of the game deserve special credit for the incredible sales performance of Elden Ring.

One of the most lauded aspects of Elden Ring is its character creator which has taken the gaming world by storm. Fans are having a field day out there and are testing the limits of their creativity with the tool. From creating the Joker from the DC Universe to creating Ross Geller from Friends, Elden Ring fans leave no stones unturned. Recently, one gamer even created Darth Maul using the Elden Ring character creator.

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Following in the steps of these creative gamers, another Elden Ring player created a popular character from one of the most famous fantasy series, Game of Thrones. Redditor MatthewFireEye took it upon himself to bring Beric Dondarrion into the fantasy realm of Elden Ring. Beric Dondarrion is a supporting character in the series and is the leader of the infamous Brotherhood Without Banners. The Reddit user has done a remarkable job to recreate the GoT character as he has considered the tiniest of details.

For instance, MatthewFireEye has used the eye patch to near perfection along with the facial features, including the facial hair. The eye patch is a pivotal part of Beric Dondarrion's signature look in the series. Beric Dondarrion is famous for his death-defying acts in the famous fantasy series. Whether MatthewFireEye's version of Beric Dondarrion will have similar luck with escaping death is a matter of speculation. In addition to the eye patch, the Redditor has paid close attention to the character's hairstyle, including the length and color. This includes facial hair as well.

Besides fiddling around with the character creator, Elden Ring fans have found other ways to enjoy the game. Several videos have surfaced all over the internet where Elden Ring players are accomplishing some genuinely astonishing feats. One famous video shows an Elden Ring player with 99 strength who kills a boss in a matter of seconds.

Whether it's the character creator or the game's storyline and gameplay, Elden Ring is receiving plaudits from fans and critics alike. This positive feedback has delighted Elden Ring developers, including collaborator George R.R. Martin, who helped come up with the game's lore.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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