Because of its size and sheer amount of content when compared to previous FromSoftware titles, Elden Ring is an entirely unique experience. While certainly adopting most of its elements from the Souls franchise, Elden Ring also pulled features from Bloodborne and Sekiro while introducing mechanics of its own.

For example, Elden Ring added dungeons akin to Bloodborne's challenge dungeons; however, Elden Ring's dungeons were all over the place in the open world and were accessed simply by stumbling upon them. Furthermore, the game certainly reused certain assets and movesets from previous titles, but in each case the asset or moveset was updated to better fit into the game.

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However, there is not a single FromSoftware game that can compare to Elden Ring's amount of unique weapons. The game is absolutely chock-full of weapons to discover, and many hold unique skills that set them further apart from others. For example, while Elden Ring's colossal weapons all have similar sizes and speeds, their weapon skills vary drastically. In a game full of unique weapons, the horn weapons stand far apart from the rest due to their musical abilities, and recently a group of players decided to hold band practice using them.

Reddit user tomj11 was the one who both organized and captured the practice in action, which included themselves, two friends, and a confused but helpful invader. Using a combination of the envoy's horn, long horn, and great horn, the four players played a song that, unlike the Elden Ring final boss harp cover, was so loud and terrible it surely would have offended the envoy enemies that can be found playing the same horns. Regardless of the crippling cacophony, it was hilarious to watch the four spray bubbles and music across the First Step.

Other Redditors agreed that the 4 were a hilarious group, joking about their newfound band. Many users decided to come up with names for the group which included: The Jazz Big Band, The Limgrave Buglers, The Altus Quartet, and The Moghwyn Menagerie. Another user insisted that FromSoftware needs to add a war drum to the game, joking it should be called the "fallingstar beats". Some other users demanded an encore, showing their support for this musical mismatch of miscreants.

With tomj11 and their compatriots receiving such high praise, one would have to assume that future practices would be in order. Perhaps, in the future, the 4 players could headline for Elden Ring's Starscourge Radahn. After all, every festival needs music, and considering the stress and anxiety Radahn induces, players having to dodge golden exploding bubbles while being blasted with terrible music fits perfectly with the theme.

Elden Ring is available for PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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