An Elden Ring player found a reference to Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith in the game. Sometimes gamers will find references from various bits of media inside their favorite titles. Popular games such as Resident Evil 4 and Horizon Forbidden West will contain Easter eggs for eagle-eyed players to discover.

Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith was the sixth movie in the series to be released and was the final part of the prequel trilogy. The movie spawned a meme based around a battle between the film's two main characters that passed around the internet for years in different iterations. The meme was so popular that it has made its way into modern video games such as Elden Ring.

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A Redditor known as Educational_Table52 posted an image showcasing an Easter egg in Elden Ring. The player is standing at the bank of a river of lava, reading a message that says "Behold, high spot! Therefore give up!" This is a reference to the intense final battle in Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith. In the film, Obi-Wan Kenobi obtains a favorable position against his pupil-turned-enemy Anakin Skywalker. Kenobi declares that he has the high ground and warns Skywalker against making a move, who foolishly tries anyway. It is a great homage for anyone who has seen the movie and is playing the game, and displays a great mixing of two great pieces of entertainment.

A number of Redditors seem to have enjoyed the reference as they have gotten the post past 2,000 upvotes. One commenter stated that they heard the quote in Kenobi's voice, while another mentioned that they loved this particular scene in the movie. A gamer said that they had just gotten through the area in Elden Ring and found a Lord of the Rings Easter egg there as well.

These sorts of references are great finds, as they can bring together two things that fans love. The Star Wars Easter egg was a clever one and was incredibly well-placed. Developers seem to love dropping these little hints from other bits of media into their titles, leaving them for players who have a sharp eye. They are fun to discover, especially when gamers are not expecting them to pop up. As players continue to delve into games such as Elden Ring, they will surely find more Easter eggs hidden away. It will be up to those who have a good eye to find the homages and enjoy them when they are found.

Elden Ring is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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