When first starting Eiyuden Chronicle, players will find themselves amazed by the game's intricate, yet easy-to-master gameplay loop. That loop is complemented further by the game's unique blend of 3D and sprite art to evoke the aesthetic of old-school JRPGs. However, sometimes players can also find themselves at a loss about what to do during the early game. Despite the abundance of tutorials, it's an intricate game, and players have a lot to learn.

In this successor to the Suikoden series, there are certain things that are better to do during the first parts of the game. Some of these things might be familiar to veterans of JRPGs, although some will be less obvious to those who haven't played this particular game before.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – How Long to Beat

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was anticipated to be one of Yoshitaka Murayama's lengthiest games, and it has lived up to that expectation.

7 Stock Up On Items

Hoarding Items Is Essential In Eiyuden

An Image of Eiyuden: Stock Up On Items

Any RPG veteran will know the importance of having items prepared before setting off on a journey to recruit characters or advance the storyline. Random encounters and boss fights can result in an early Game Over for players who are unprepared.

How to Fish in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Players hoping to catch fish in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will first need to figure out how to get a fishing rod.

In the case of Eiyuden Chronicle, having enough Healing Herbs is necessary in order to preserve MPs for the healers and keep the party members healthy. Players should also stock up on items to prepare for various situations. They should make sure to have cures for status ailments like poison. Finally, to make a quick getaway from dungeons, carry items that can teleport the party to the entrance without any hassle.

6 Set Up Auto Battle

Proper Auto Battle Behavior Is Crucial

An Image of Eiyuden: Setup Auto Battle

Random encounters are necessary for a party's growth and earning baqua for various upgrades and items. However, they can be tedious, especially in the game's early phases. Therefore, having the perfect auto battle setup will be beneficial for players who want to play Eiyuden Chronicle without getting burnt out early.

Thankfully, Eiyuden Chronicle has perfect setup options dedicated to auto battle. Players can customize this setup to navigate through random encounters without pressing a single button. For example, it is possible to customize a party member's behavior to not use any MP during auto battle. This is good when preparing for an upcoming boss fight, as it helps conserve resources.

5 Grind Often

Some Party Members Shine In Later Levels

An Image of Eiyuden: Grind Often

In Eiyuden Chronicle, different stats increase for each party member after leveling up. As such, it is crucial that players do not skip out on random encounters when they have the time for it. This allows their party to reach their maximum potential. Some party members may peak during the early game, while others will showcase their full power after reaching level 40+. This is all due to customized stat growth.

Grinding away random encounters in the field and in dungeons is one way for players to achieve a party member's full potential quickly. However, it is important to note that grinding for too long can be detrimental as well. A player will need to know when to move on to the next stages of the game, in order to level up the party more efficiently.

4 Set Up the Party Carefully

Party Setup Decides Difficulty

An Image of Eiyuden: Setup Party Properly

Sometimes, Eiyuden Chronicle players might not pay close attention to the party composition when going through dangerous fields and dungeons. This can end badly once their inefficient party setup gets quickly demolished by enemies, especially by the dangerous bosses in the latter parts of the game.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – How to Change Team Members

Reforming a party is a crucial aspect of combat in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, though this feature may confuse some new JRPG players.

With this in mind, it's important to have an efficient setup for a party before going out of town. Usually, having a dedicated tank, healer, and mage is important, giving the party a mixture of survivability and damage potential. With Nowa's high Power, players can also allocate a spot to one of those crucial positions without being concerned about the party's physical damage output.

3 Pick Up Materials

Stones & Lumbers Will Come In Handy

An Image of Eiyuden: Pick Materials Up

At the start of the game, players might notice several points of interest that they can interact with to gain materials, such as Lumbers and Stones. At first glance, these materials can look unimportant. However, picking these up will give players a head start once they acquires the headquarters.

Games With The Best Base Building Mechanics, Ranked

There are a lot of great base-building games out there but some have much better mechanics than others. Here's a look at some of the best, ranked.

As a successor to the Suikoden game series, Eiyuden Chronicle also has the element of base building in its gameplay loop. The headquarters can be built and upgraded further with additional materials, such as Stone and Pelt.

2 Search Areas Thoroughly

There Are Always Things To Find

An Image of Eiyuden: Search Areas Thoroughly

Exploration in Eiyuden Chronicle is not as straightforward as it seems, due to the puzzles present in both dungeons and fields alike. This makes it a challenge for players to traverse areas and advance to the next stage of the game. However, exploration is often rewarding. Players can find a lot in an area, including items, materials, and even recruitable party members.

It is important for players to search an area thoroughly before advancing, to get things that they might miss by rushing through the areas. The game's ambiance and art is also enjoyable enough so that exploration will not be tedious for players, as long as they do not mind the occasional random encounters.

1 Recruit Early

Gather Party Members As Soon As Possible

An Image of Eiyuden: Recruit Early

Recruiting party members as early as possible will allow players to enjoy the game more while also being efficient. With more party members, they will have options to choose from when forming parties for exploration and battles. Some of these characters prove to be very useful, such as enabling fast travel, and unlocking different areas of the player's headquarters.

For example, in the earliest part of the game, there are already seven recruitable members that players can find by exploring areas. An early recruitment will save the hassle of having to find these recruitable characters in the latter stages, when there are more things to do aside from recruiting party members.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

April 23, 2024
Rabbit and Bear Studios