As an homage to classic JRPGs, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes incorporates numerous old-school mechanics shared by iconic titles in the genre. One such feature is the ability to assemble different parties by rotating heroes in and out. However, being a hardcore JRPG, Hundred Heroes does not make this feature readily available on demand.

Consequently, players cannot alter their teammates by simply pressing a button in the menu. Instead, they must actively engage with certain characters or seek out special Support heroes for recruitment. For those wondering how to change team members in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, this guide details what the process entails.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - How to Recruit All 120 Characters

Here's how to fill out your army in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes with all 120 characters.

How To Swap Party Members In Eiyuden Chronicle

an inn in eiyuden chronicle hundred heroes.

In Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, players have access to two methods to change their party members. They can make use of them by visiting an Inn or by speaking with Ymir. Inns serve as resting resorts located in every village and town. Meanwhile, Ymir acts as the recruitment officer in Eltisweiss, encountered during the “The Watch Captain’s First Job” mission.

  • Talk to an Innkeeper: Locate a room with a bed sign on the map indicating the presence of an Innkeeper. Initiate a conversation with this character and select “Form Party” to access the team building menu. From here, swap in and out any heroes as desired, then select “Exit” to save changes.
ymir the recruitment officer in eiyuden chronicle hundred heroes.
  • Ask Ymir for help: The recruitment officer is situated northwest of Eltisweiss in the Inn. Ymir enables the player to freely change the members of their party, akin to an Innkeeper's function.

How To Change Team Members On the Move In Eiyuden Chronicle

 cassandra a support character in eiyuden chornicle hundred heroes.

The sole method to alter party formation outside of an Inn is by recruiting Cassandra. Serving as the team's Support character, Cassandra enables team reformation at save points. Save points, identified as shiny statues scattered across the map, permit players to create manual shortcuts. Upon Cassandra's inclusion in the squad, these statues acquire a new function: Party formation.

Given that each party can accommodate only one Support character, it's advisable to recruit Cassandra solely when altering team formation becomes imperative. Otherwise, she can be substituted with more effective and practical characters.

Team Composition In Eiyuden Chronicle, Explained

a team composition examples in eiyuden chronicle hundred heroes.

In Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, each party comprises ten members categorized into three Front, three Rear, one Support, and three Attendant characters. Here's an overview of each role:

  • Front: Occupying this slot are the primary DPS (damage per second) and DEF (defense) characters. They are positioned at the frontline, absorbing most initial damage while dealing close-range damage.
  • Rear: Characters in this category serve as mid to long-range attackers. Often functioning as marksmen, they engage enemies from a distance.
  • Support: Each party can include one Support character who bestows additional effects or stats upon the team.
  • Attendant: These characters are integral to the story and must be included in the party but do not participate in battles.
Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

April 23, 2024
Rabbit and Bear Studios