
  • Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes allows players to recruit over 100 characters, reminiscent of classic RPGs like Final Fantasy 6.
  • Early-game characters like Iugo, Yusuke, and Francesca offer unique skills and personalities to help players build a well-rounded party.
  • Characters like Mellore, Yume, and Gigina offer a variety of offensive and defensive abilities to strategize with in battles.

The title of this game may sound clunky, but there’s a reason behind the name. It’s because Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes players can recruit and play that many characters and more. In regard to old-school RPGs like Final Fantasy 6, which had a giant cast, this game features a much broader library of characters for gamers to make use of.

Eiyuden Chronicle: 7 Things To Do At The Start Of The Game

When first starting Eiyuden Chronicle, players may find themselves at a loss. Here's what they should prioritize in the early game.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a spiritual sequel to the Suikoden series, which also boasted over a hundred playable characters. With so many to choose from in Eiyuden Chronicle, however, some players may struggle when trying to decide who would work best, especially during the early-game. For those looking to make the most of the early hours of this title, there are plenty of characters available who should help round out the party with their unique skills and personalities.

7 Iugo

A Strong Attacker Who Can Also Cast Spells

Iugo in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Eltisweiss Tavern
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Power
  • Secondary Ability: Taunting Counter

Iugo is the first character players can recruit, and he is located in the main hub town of Eltisweiss. All players have to do is go down to the local tavern, talk to him, and he will join the mission. He suggests that he has a big quest but that he can deal with it later. This is a hint for his character quest that can be pursued later in the game.

As for Iugo himself, the man is a typical-looking samurai who has a good amount of attack power. He has no offensive or defensive ability Runes equipped, but he does have a good natural stance ability for defensive counters, and he is best reserved for the frontline.

6 Yusuke

Has The Best Early Secondary Defense Ability

Yusuke in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Fort Xialuke
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Armor Piercing
  • Secondary Ability: Charge Up

Yusuke can be found north of Eltisweiss at a gate pass called Fort Xialuke. There’s not much to do here other than to hire Yusuke for the party. The guards at Fort Xialuke think Yusuke is one of the bandits that have been terrorizing the land as they are said to wear pink, but players can quickly alleviate this situation.

Eiyuden Chronicle: 7 Best Mages, Ranked

Every adventuring party needs someone to dish out magical damage, and these are the best options for that in Eiyuden Chronicle.

Yusuke is dressed like a typical Japanese school delinquent, called a Bancho, that players may be familiar with in anime like Yu Yu Hakusho or, most recently, Tokyo Revengers. Yusuke may look like a bad guy, but he is just misunderstood and will gladly join Nowa and the others to fight for justice. He’s also not a bad physical fighter to have during the early stages of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

5 Francesca

A Good Starting Healer

Francesca in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Altverden Village
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Water
  • Secondary Ability: Shield

Francesca can be found in a town to the west of Eltisweiss called Altverden Village. Players can get a couple of characters here, but the easiest is Francesca. If players head to the top left corner of the town, they can find Francesca being accosted by townsfolk.

It seems like players should step in as Nowa to help, but Francesca handles herself well. While she may look like a typical healing mage in an RPG, Francesca has quite the mouth on her that would terrify the surliest of sailors. Francesca is a necessary find early on because she comes equipped with Water. This Rune bestows characters with healing spells like Recovery Wave, which can heal the entire party in battle.

4 Kuroto

Can Safely Snipe Enemies From The Back

Kuroto in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Altverden Village
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Blind Resistance
  • Secondary Ability: Defense

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes' Kuroto is another recruitable character in Altverden Village, but getting him is more involved. He’s a hunter who resides in town to protect and feed the villagers. He agrees to join if players bring him back three boars that can be found far to the east at Redthroat Ridge.

These boar enemies are a bit hard to find casually in battles, but eventually, players should be able to defeat three in Redthroat Ridge. After that, players need to talk to Kuroto again and then he will join. The best part about him is his skill with a crossbow, so putting him in the back row is a good idea.

3 Mellore

A Good Starting Mage

Mellore in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Eltisweiss
  • Starting Rune: Rune Of Magical Cutie Shot
  • Secondary Ability: Shield

Mellore is the other mage character players can find early in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Unlike Francesca, Mellore is more of an offensive type mage, although she can equip healing-based Runes, too. Her design is similar to anime characters like that of Sailor Moon, which makes sense since Mellore is a self-proclaimed magical girl.

Players can encounter her once they recruit a few heroes and return to Eltisweiss. She says she’s heading for Redthroat Ridge to defeat a boss, which is the game’s first optional boss encounter via Nerthus. Nerthus is a tough foe, but defeating it is worth the effort to get Mellore’s magical mage skills.

2 Yume And Friend

A Girl And Her Beast Who Have Great Attack And Defense Power

Yume And Friend in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Redthroat Ridge
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Blind Resistance
  • Secondary Ability: Defense

Yume is the last character players can recruit at Redthroat Ridge in the early game. At first glance, this character seems like a young, innocent girl, but she is secretly quite strong. First, though, players have to make it to the northwest town of Werne Village. Toward the center of town is an old woman NPC who mentions that her granddaughter, Yume, has run off.

Eiyuden Chronicle: 7 Best Party Tanks, Ranked

Every party needs someone to soak up enemy damage, and in Eiyuden Chronicle, these are the best choices.

Players can follow up on this seemingly innocuous line to find Yume playing with her beastly pet Friend. Yume is a unique character because she is a young girl who rides a monster into battle. They take up two party slots because of this, but one could say getting Yume and Friend is worth it due to the combined strength they provide.

1 Gigina

Can Perform A Combo Attack With Garr

Gigina in Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
  • Location: Arenside
  • Starting Rune: Rune of Poison Resistance
  • Secondary Ability: Defense
  • Combo Ability: King of Beasts

Gigina is the final character worth mentioning to round out the party. He can be found in the starting village past Fort Xialuke called Arenside. A mask completely covers his body, but Gigina appears to be a cat similar to Cait Sith in design from Final Fantasy 7. Gigina is a great character to pair up with Garr as they have a combo attack together.

Besides Nowa and Lian, Garr and Gigina will be the only two who have a combo attack early on. There’s another party member in Arenside worth mentioning, too. This is Huang, but he cannot be recruited until much later. However, Huang can give players a fishing rod, which will unlock a fishing mini-game in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

April 23, 2024
Rabbit and Bear Studios