
  • Rush the Stowpack Shop for increased inventory size to manage items efficiently in Eiyuden Chronicle.
  • Prioritize building the Restaurant for powerful buffing items and a fun cooking minigame experience.
  • Establish the Armor Shop to equip the party with the best gear for survival in challenging battles.

Thanks to the base-building aspect of Eiyuden Chronicle, players will have the chance to witness the growth of their headquarters in real-time as they build improvements to the building. These buildings typically have various requirements of their own, such as a set amount of resources and even the recruitment of a character for the building option to be available.

Eiyuden Chronicle: 7 Things To Do At The Start Of The Game

When first starting Eiyuden Chronicle, players may find themselves at a loss. Here's what they should prioritize in the early game.

Some of these buildings are more worth being rushed than the others due to the benefits they bring to the player. General benefits, such as shop improvements, will allow the player to customize their party with greater flexibility, while others also have unique benefits of their own. These are the best buildings to rush first in Eiyuden Chronicle.

7 Stowpack Shop

Passively Increase Inventory Size

Eiyuden Chronicle Stowpack Shop
  • Requirements:
    • HQ Funds: 800
    • Pelt: 40
    • Recruited Nell

Having an increased inventory size during the course of Eiyuden Chronicle is quite important, as the player will be facing multiple battles and finding different items that might fill up their inventory in a very quick way. Therefore, the Stowpack Shop will be one of the important buildings to rush into the Headquarters.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – How Long to Beat

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was anticipated to be one of Yoshitaka Murayama's lengthiest games, and it has lived up to that expectation.

To successfully build the shop, players must recruit Nell first, which can be quite easy to miss due to his hard-to-find appearance in the game. Once the player has recruited Nell, they will be able to build the Stowpack Shop right away, provided that they have the required amount of funds and resources.

6 Restaurant

Powerful Buffing Items And A Fun Minigame

Eiyuden Chronicle Restaurant
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 800
    • Food: 80
    • Recruited Kurtz

For veterans of the Suikoden series, especially those who have played the second installment, will be familiar with the Cooking minigame that requires the player to impress an assortment of judges, made up of the characters recruited by the player. In Eiyuden Chronicle, that minigame returns in the form of the Restaurant that can be obtained by recruiting Kurtz.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Best Foods For Cooking Battle

The Cooking Battle minigame is one of Eiyuden Chronicle's best, and with these dishes, winning it will be a breeze.

The true value of the restaurant can be seen by its ability to produce the best buffing items in Eiyuden Chronicle. These items can help the player at any point in the game, including the usual random encounters and difficult boss battles.

5 Armor Shop

Crucial For Survival Of The Party

Eiyuden Chronicle Armor Shop
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 600
    • Recruited Frida

Although having the best tanks in the game might be enough to ensure the party's survival, having the best gear equipped for them is important as well, since the enemies in Eiyuden Chronicle can be overwhelming at times, especially the tricky boss fights, each with various special gimmicks.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - How To Win Duels

Dueling is a major part of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Here's everything you need to know about duels.

Therefore, recruiting Frida and building the Armor Shop is crucial to ensure the party's survivability during the course of the game. This can allow both tanks and damage dealers in the party to thrive without having to use up healing resources in just a few fights.

4 Tool Shop

The Best Improvement For Preparation

Eiyuden Chronicle Tool Shop
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 600
    • Recruited Hiro

It is always important to prepare before any journey into the field, or before a particularly important and difficult battle, by stocking up on critical items, such as healing and revival items, in case a party member gets knocked out during a particularly tough fight. This preparation can be easily made by having the Tool Shop built in the Headquarters.

The Tool Shop can be built by recruiting Hiro, who can be recruited quite early in the game, and having the required Headquarters funds available. This is easily achievable due to its low cost overall.

3 Mission Guild

Acquire Rare Resources Easily

Eiyuden Chronicle Mission Guild
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 3200
    • Food: 200
    • Pelt: 40
    • Dire Beastbone: 1

Sometimes, building the necessary Headquarters improvements can be costly due to their requirements, which include rare resources such as the Mystic Lumber and Iron Ore. These can either be tediously farmed by the player by waiting for the materials to respawn in-between quests, or simply earned passively with the help of the Mission Guild.

By taking a party of recruitable characters out on an expedition, they will be able to finish missions that can earn a number of resources for players to use. Moreover, some of the missions also have the chance to grant rare items, such as Faded Books, to enhance the lore of the game.

2 Rune Shop

Utilize Characters Rune-Lense Slots Perfectly

Eiyuden Chronicle Rune Shop
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 1600
    • Recruited Code L

The construction of a Rune Shop will allow players to customize their recruitable party members to an even greater extent, either by specializing them into a supporting role or enhancing their stats to make them deal more damage. Therefore, having one built in the Headquarters is quite important, especially before hard battles in the late-game.

Building a Rune Shop will require the player to recruit Code L first, which can be done by fulfilling his request for an item obtainable from one of the story's bosses. With the shop built, players will be able to equip the strongest runes in the game without having to change towns.

1 Smithy

Increase The Party Damage By A Large Margin

Eiyuden Chronicle Smithy
  • Requirements
    • HQ Funds: 1000
    • Stone 50
    • Recruited Douglas

Even the strongest party members with the highest potential Power stat will hit like a wet noodle if their weapons remain unimproved during the course of the game. Therefore, having a Smithy in the Headquarters will let these strong party members to fulfill their potential, allowing the player to fight battles more easily than before.

Recruiting Douglas can be tough, since he will require a number of Iron Ores to be obtained before joining the player. However, the role he fulfills in building the Smithy should be enough motivation for players to get started with mining Iron Ores in the Abandoned Mine inside the Headquarters in order to bring Douglas into the fold.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

April 23, 2024
Rabbit and Bear Studios