Thanks to its huge, diverse cast of 120 characters, Eiyuden Chronicle boasts the flexibility for its players to set up tons of different party variations. This keeps players from getting bored with the same party iteration of characters, as they'll need to use different setups for various circumstances and situations.

However, there will always be a need for a party member that can soak up the damage and be the last person standing should the party face a particularly difficult encounter. These characters can also do some damage should they need to, making them valuable both in the defensive phase and the offensive phase.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - How to Recruit All 120 Characters

Here's how to fill out your army in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes with all 120 characters.

7 Yume

Classic Tank, Obtainable Early

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Yume
  • Max HP: 933
  • Max Physical Defense: 407
  • Max Magic Defense: 407
  • Occupies 2 party slots

Yume is one of the earliest tanks that the player can recruit into their party, since she is available right after completing the first quest in the game. Her potential maximum HP outclasses almost every other party member in the game. Her physical and magic defense are also among the best thanks to her natural growth.

Eiyuden Chronicle: 7 Things To Do At The Start Of The Game

When first starting Eiyuden Chronicle, players may find themselves at a loss. Here's what they should prioritize in the early game.

A downside of having her in the party is the requirement of her occupying two slots. However, this is worth it thanks to her strong tank potential and high Power. Yume hits like a truck in combat, especially against weaker foes in random encounters.

6 Chandra

Legendary Dragon Who Can Safeguard The Party

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Chandra
  • Max HP: 940
  • Max Physical Defense: 452
  • Max Magic Defense: 452
  • Occupies 2 party slots

Recruiting a behemoth of a dragon is also an option in Eiyuden Chronicle, although the party must defeat him first before they can enlist him in combat. Chandra is one of the best tanks in the game thanks to his natural stats' progression, which enables him to gain a maximum of 940 HP and 452 physical and magical defense.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – How Long to Beat

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was anticipated to be one of Yoshitaka Murayama's lengthiest games, and it has lived up to that expectation.

As a Large sized member, Chandra occupies two slots in the party. Like Yume, he's worth it because he's valuable member in the front of the party, absorbing and dishing out damage via his unique Heat Breath rune lense.

5 Sabine

Elegant Warrior Well-Versed In Defending

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Sabine
  • Max HP: 711
  • Max Physical Defense: 452
  • Max Magic Defense: 407

Although a player might mistake her as a normal bruiser type party member at first, a closer inspection reveals Sabine's potential to be one of the best tanks in Eiyuden Chronicle. Her potential can be seen in her maximum HP of 711 and her high physical and magic defense. She's well-versed in the art of tackling damage for the party, allowing them to survive another day.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes – How to Change Team Members

Reforming a party is a crucial aspect of combat in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, though this feature may confuse some new JRPG players.

When paired with Celia, Hakugin, and Reyna, this team can unleash a deadly Hero Combo that deals massive damage to one enemy and boosts their own defense for three turns. This allows Sabine to further boost her defensive abilities.

4 Yuferius VII

Tanky Shark With A Deadly Jaw

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Yuferius VII
  • Max HP: 790
  • Max Physical Defense: 452
  • Max Magic Defense: 407

A tank like Yuferius VII might be overlooked at times due to skepticism about its capability to dish out damage. However, Yuferius VII became one of the exceptions thanks to his high Power stats, which max out at 452, almost equal to the best hitter in the game. Coupled with a high maximum HP, and physical and magic defense, the valiant shark is one reliable tank for the party.

To round off his strength, Yuferius VII can charge up to dish out heavy damage with his unique Defense action, making him a deadly bruiser as well as a reliable party tank.

3 Iugo

Unique Tanky Samurai Capable Of Taunt

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Iugo
  • Max HP: 790
  • Max Physical Defense: 322
  • Max Magic Defense: 283

Thanks to his high potential Power stat and the unique ability to redirect enemies attacks towards himself, Iugo is a high-tier tank who can guard the party against enemy attacks. His maximum HP is among one of the highest in the game, although his physical and magic defense will have to be supplemented with equipment and rune lenses.

His true strength lies in the fact that he has Taunting Counter, which enables the wandering samurai to get the enemies' attention and respond to their attack with a deadly counter-attack. This alone makes him reliable in battle as a dedicated tank for the party.

2 El Alicanto

Reliable Tank With The Perfect Rune For Grinding

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle El Alicanto
  • Max HP: 790
  • Max Physical Defense: 498
  • Max Magic Defense: 325

Grinding for a particularly rare item can be exhausting at times, especially if the item's drop rate is low enough that it becomes time-consuming. However, thanks to El Alicanto's special rune lense, Alicanto's Blessing, he can increase the party's item drop rate. Meanwhile, he also tanks enemy attacks thanks to his high max HP, and his physical and magic defense.

El Alicanto also boasts a relatively high dexterity for a tank as well, enabling the unique wrestler to deal out the occasional critical damage to enemies.

1 Reyna

The Best Tank In The Game

An Image of Eiyuden Chronicle Reyna
  • Max HP: 933
  • Max Physical Defense: 498
  • Max Magic Defense: 451

The quintessential tank is no other than Reyna, thanks to her high stats that rival other tanks that might require two party slots or more. Her maximum HP is almost as high as Chandra's. Her physical defense is the best in the game, and her magic defense is also no slouch either.

Reyna's unique defense ability, Cover Row & Counter, enables her to defend her row and counter-attack after, ensuring the safety of her allies on the front lines. Combined with glass cannons that need to be in the front line, Reyna can become an invaluable party member in Eiyuden Chronicle.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

April 23, 2024
Rabbit and Bear Studios