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With the progression of Edens Zero's storyline, viewers are slowly being acquainted with new factions and their associated characters. While the goals of these organizations are still ambiguous and yet to be deciphered, their ferocity and overarching presence has already been established. The Oracion Seis Interstellar is one such newly-introduced faction, currently under the command and control of the Cosmic Government.

Since little is known about the Cosmic Government, discerning the true goals and objectives of this organization is currently impossible. However, one aspect is concrete; their adamancy in taking down the criminal organization known as the Oracion Seis Galactica. With such ambitious goals, the Oracion Seis Interstellar isn't one to be messed with, and its members will stop at nothing to achieve the organization's objectives.

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The Oracion Seis Interstellar: An Overview

Justice and Oracion Seis Interstellar

By its name alone, the Oracion Seis Interstellar cements its purpose of opposing the Oracion Seis Galactica. The group consists of the six most powerful members of the Interstellar Union Army, and their power levels are said to be in an entirely different league. The special task force has only one objective – taking down the Oracion Seis Galactica at any cost.

The group's inner workings are entirely different from the rest of the IUA, as the Oracion Seis Interstellar lacks a proper chain of command. Instead, each member is treated as an equal, even if their actual ranks differ. The members are also free to take any plan of action, without any sort of consultation with the other members. This seemingly odd approach aligns with the unit's objective of taking down the enemy through any means necessary.

While the group states that its purpose is to ensure peace among the cosmos, it's too soon to discern the group's true allegiances and goals. Elsie Crimson's role in the series has already proven that simply being a member of the Oracion Seis Galactica does not indicate moral corruption. Similarly, being a member of the Oracion Seis Interstellar does not absolve its members from being associated with villainy.

The Prayer Council

Prayer Council Oracion Seis Interstellar

Despite working together as a group, the members of this special task force have never met each other in person. Instead, the members communicate with one another through special meetings known as a 'Prayer Council.' During these meetings, the members discuss their plan of action and any new developments on their appointed fronts.

The Prayer Council serves another purpose as well, as the members pray together to channel their sacred powers to protect the cosmos. Little is known about what the Prayer Council entails, though it's obvious that some mysterious power is at play here. These meetings take place regularly, and it seems that it is mandatory for each member to participate.

The Organization's Members and Their Strength

Justice Edens Zero

The Organization currently has six members: Holy, Justice, Erasure, Jaguar, Feather, and Cure. In Universe 0, Face was the sixth member of the Oracion Seis Interstellar, though her place is taken by Cure in Universe 3. All six members are known to rival the strength of those in the Oracion Seis Galactica, and some supposedly possess powers beyond their villainous counterparts. Their strength is further exacerbated by their personal fleets and commando carriers, with each one boasting hundreds of battleships and countless soldiers of the IUA.

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Out of the six members, Amira (Face) and Justice have been the only two witnessed in action. Amira was at the center of the Drakken Joe debacle, working alongside the Edens Zero crew in defeating the criminal underlord. Justice has received his fair share of screen time as well, though his appearance seems to be tied to Elsie Crimson. It has been implied that the two share a personal history, and Justice is adamant in destroying Elsie and her entire criminal syndicate.

References to Mashima’s Previous Works

Oración Seis Fairy Tail

Edens Zero is laden with recycled elements that serve as callbacks to his two previous works – Rave Master and Fairy Tail. The Oracion Seis Galactica itself is based on the dark guild known as Oracion Seis in Fairy Tail. The two organizations have many parallels and share similar goals. However, the Oracion Seis Interstellar also has a few references and callbacks to Fairy Tail’s infamous dark guild.

Each member of the Oracion Seis Interstellar has a commando carrier battleship under their sole command, and their names are callbacks to the original members of Fairy Tail’s Oracion Seis. Justice’s battleship Angel Feather is a callback to Angel, Feather’s ship Racer references Racer, and Eraser’s carrier Hot Eyes has a direct link to Hoteyes. Similarly, Holy’s commando carrier Midnight is a reference to Oracion Seis’ Midnight, and Cure’s Brain Dust references the Oracion Seis’ leader, Brain. These names have no relevance or significance within Edens Zero, as they only serve as a nostalgic touch for fans of Fairy Tail. Moreover, these callbacks are a way to pay homage to the original characters that served as inspiration for the series.

MORE: Edens Zero: The Striking Similarities Between Rebecca and Fairy Tail's Lucy