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Edens Zero's in-depth world-building knows no bounds, extending to several cosmos and universes. Maintaining law and order within such a vast universe is an ardent task, as criminals and outlaws can easily establish their presence within the uncharted regions of the universe. For this very reason, the Interstellar Union Army was formed, tasked with maintaining balance among the cosmos and curbing illegal activities.

The IUA has been involved in uncovering many underworld dealings by setting up spy networks in almost every planet in the cosmos. The Interstellar Union Army also has several special operation units, such as the Oracion Seis Interstellar unit tasked with striking down the Oracion Seis Galactica, a loose alliance between the top-dogs of the underworld. With several successful operations under its belt, the IUA continues to strike fear in the hearts of intergalactic criminal rings, though it's safe to say that there's much more that meets the eye when it comes to the IUA's inner workings.

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The Interstellar Union Army's Purpose

Justice from Edens Zero

The IUA's purpose has been apparent from the moment its fleet made its first appearance – curbing criminal activity and detaining all space pirates. The Interstellar Union Army essentially serves as a police force of sorts for the cosmos, though the army's presence within the Sakura Cosmos is quite spread-out, making its presence known on almost every major planet of the cosmos.

The Interstellar Union Army keeps tabs on most space pirates through spy networks calibrated by the army's vast reserves of personnel. The army also has an unprecedented amount of warships, distributed among its several fleets. The origins of the IUA and the actual governing body of this organization remain unknown, giving this armed faction a somewhat ominous position among the cosmos.

The Interstellar Union Army’s Ranking System

Interstellar Union Army Ranks

The IUA follows a strict hierarchical system among its ranks, similar to any militarial organization. Some of its known ranks are Captains and Commanders, two of the highest positions in the IUA that are responsible for leading entire fleets. Below these ranks are simple rank and file soldiers of the army, tasked with menial jobs within the organization. The commander-in-chief of the IUA hasn’t been explicitly revealed, meaning the organization likely receives direct orders from the Cosmic Government.

However, these rank systems don't apply to the Interstellar Union Army’s special operation units, such as the Oracion Seis Interstellar. Members among these units address each other without any formalities, despite being subordinates. Since these units are tasked with high-profile cases, members act as equal to each other, even if their ranks may not exactly be the same.

The Interstellar Union Army's Fleet Size

Angel's Fleet Edens Zero

The exact size of the IUA's numbers is currently unknown, although it's clear that it boasts an extensive number of battleships. One of its largest fleets is led by Justice, one of the IUA's senior members. Other considerably large fleets are led by Eraser with 250 ships, and by Jaguar from his command carrier, Hot Eyes. The Interstellar Union also has a massive reserve of smaller, blimp-sized spaceships used for transporting soldiers and providing logistical support to the main fleets.

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Other major fleets include a 30-ship fleet led by Feather from her carrier, the Racer. As the name suggests, Racer's fleet is reputed for being the fastest fleet among the Interstellar Union Army's arsenal. Holy's fleet, led by her carrier Midnight, has the most firepower out of all the IUA's fleets – equipped with anti-dragon ether cannons and knight gear mechanical suits. Cure, one of the Oracion Seis Interstellar’s members, also leads a battle fleet with the common carrier Brain Dust.

The Oracion Seis Interstellar

Oracion Seis Galactica Edens Zero

The Oracion Seis Interstellar is a special operation unit of the IUA, tasked with taking down the Oracion Seis Galactica, an alliance between the strongest outlaws of the Sakura Cosmos. These space pirates are known for running several underground criminal rings in multiple planets, such as Drakken Joe's crime-infested planet Guilds. Belial Gore, a section of the planet Guilds, later becomes his base of operations, leading to the Oracion Seis Interstellar keeping close tabs on this pseudo-planet as well.

Apart from Drakken Joe, another one of the Oracion Seis Interstellar's main targets is Elsie Crimson, a former member of the Oracion Seis Galactica and currently a rogue space pirate. The two sides have clashed several times, though Ellsie always finds a way to best the Interstellar Union Army, staying underground and navigating her way through the Sakura Cosmos without detection. However, a member of the Oracion Seis Galactica has infiltrated Ellsie's fleet, gaining her trust and working alongside her. For now, the unit's motives with the Oracion Seis Galactica remain unknown as only time will tell what the organization has in store for these criminals.

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