Most of the Edens Zero Crew, as well as several of their opponents, possess Ether Gear abilities. Discover who can harness the power of Ether and what they are capable of. A lot has changed in the world, and it is now the year X492 where space travel is commonplace and society relies on the power of Ether for pretty much everything. This natural commodity can be manipulated by a select few, granting them access to an exponential supply of power. Shiki Granbell and Rebecca Bluegarden are still exploring the full potential of their Ether powers, taking their training in stride as they battle those who stand in the Edens Zero's way as the Crew travels across the Cosmos in search of Mother.

Much like the atoms that make up the Universe, Ether exists within everything - tiny energy particles that can be found in people, machines, plants, rocks, space, simply everywhere. Ether can possess elemental qualities and when in high concentration, the energy will transform into its respected element (for example, light Ether has illuminating characteristics). With the creation of Ether Gear, this energy can be manipulated to the wielder's intent, granting them unimaginable powers in the process. The weaponry essentially directs the flow of Ether through a person's body so that the energy can become concentrated and used to its full potential. However, not everyone can operate this Gear and, except for Shiki and Rebecca, generally tonnes of training is required beforehand. Only two things are known to deactivate the powers of Ether Gear - an Electro-Magnetic Pulse or binding the owner's hands.

RELATED: Edens Zero: Shiki Granbell's Story has a Grave Ending

Forms of Ether:

  • Air
  • Demon King
  • Earth
  • Healing
  • Ice
  • Light
  • Lightning
  • Shield
  • Water
  • Wood
  • Mother
  • Anti-Dragon


Homura, Shiki, Drakken Joe Ether Gear Edens Zero

Overdrive is essentially the maximum level of power that Ether Gear can reach, similar to the role of a Bankai in Bleach. The Overdrive feature will change its wearer's appearance, usually granting them a machine-inspired facade and illuminating their skin with symbols of colored energy.

Reaching Overdrive is not guaranteed for every Ether Gear user and seems to depend on each individual's power level - only the strongest may wield such paramountcy. It also appears that the potential of Overdrive may increase depending on how much training is put in, so the more often its critical point is reached, the more potent it becomes.

Shiki's Satan Gravity

Shiki Ether Gear Edens Zero

Considered to be one of the most overpowered Ether Gear around, Satan Gravity allows for the manipulation of gravity itself, granting Shiki a world of opportunities on the battlefield. Not only can he make himself weightless, but the Demon King can also alter the directional fields of gravity of those around him, creating forces that can push his opponents around or position them for the perfect attack.

Shiki can also add power to his punches by converting kinetic energy into gravitational energy to be dispelled in addition to his attack. He seems to have a keen understanding concerning the physics behind his powers, using the gravitational forces in resourceful ways to defeat even the most formidable of opponents.

Rebecca's Cat Leap

Rebacca's Ether Gear Edens Zero

On a surface level, the Cat Leap, or Leaper, earned its name by granting its wielder with feline-like agility, enhancing their speed with the potential to jump higher and farther. The Oracle of Time, Xiaomei, identifies Rebecca's skills as the "power of possibility," as her Ether Gear has other valuable features.

RELATED: Edens Zero: Who is Xiaomei?

Rebecca can perform a time-leap, pushing herself backward in the timeline by several minutes whilst retaining her memories, so that she can alter the outcome of a specific event. The B-Cuber gained her Ether powers in the latter half of season 1 after Witch Regret suggested that she soaked in the energy from The Spa of Eden as often as possible - and it evidently worked.

Drakken Joe's Alchemist

Drakken Joe's Ether Gear

Edens Zero'sgreat antagonist is also known as the Dark Alchemist, and Drakken Joe's Ether Gear is up there with the most powerful Edens Zero weapons. Rebecca alters time, Shiki manipulates space, but Drakken Joe can control matter itself, with the ability to transform objects on a seemingly atomic level.

Drakken can remodel a solid into a liquid, metal into paper, flesh into stone - the options seem limitless. His Alchemist abilities can be applied to himself, his opponents, and his environment, swinging the outcome of each battle heavily in his favor.

Weisz Steiner's Arsenal Suit

Weisz Steiner's Ether Gear Edens Zero

Much like Drakken Joe's abilities, Weisz can manipulate matter, however, his control is limited to mechanical items (including androids such as Pino). Once the Ether Gear is activated, Weisz is able to summon a machine-gun from his armor, already conveniently attached near his wrist.

Additionally, the young Adventurer can harness the power of the Ether Fire Element in the form of his Atlas Flame attack as well as the ability to create explosions at will. However, Weisz's Ether Gear tends to take a toll on him physically, and therefore he cannot use his talents for extended periods.

Witch Regret's Element Ether

Wich Regret Shining Star Edens Zero

As the Shield of Eden, Witch Regret is a master of the Elements, commanding authority over lightning, air, and ice Ether. Her skillful manipulation of energy gives her the appearance of brandishing magic, with lightning or ice shards blasting from her hands, and she performs symbolic gestures.

In terms of defensive tactics, Witch is best known for her Ether Shield, made from hexagonal disks of energy with the ability to safeguard large areas, including the entirety of the Edens Zero ship.

Homura Kōgetsu's Soul Blade

Homura Shining Star Edens Zero

As a master swordsman, Homura tends to favor the blade in battles, often wielding the Soul Blade Ether Gear she inherited from the great, late, Valkyrie Yuna. As one of the Four Shining Stars, Homura is a highly-skilled fighter who can apply a multitude of attacks with her Gear. This includes but is not limited to Leopard Stance, Dragon Flash, Snake Strike, Odin Strike, Crane Form, Wild Tiger Lightning Claw, Falling Dragon Flash, and more. Most of Homura's attacks involve rapid, multiple strikes, often with a dual-sword technique and an animalistic flair, leaving her opponents begging for mercy.

Although the common rule is that when one's hands are bound, they are incapable of using their Ether Gear, it appears that some characters have found a loophole. With intense training or a burst of unyielding willpower, certain fighters are able to overcome the restriction and use their Ether Gear while their hands are still bound. So far, Shiki and Hamura have been able to accomplish such a feat, but fans are sure that after receiving training from Xenolith, the rest of the Edens Zero Crew will follow suit.

MORE: Edens Zero: Who is the Demon King?