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After an audacious escape from the Sakura Cosmos, the Edens Zero crew’s very first destination was Planet Red Cave. The fiery planet was supposed to be the crew’s first hint towards finding Mother, since this was Ziggy’s first destination in his search for the divine being. The odd and uninhabited planet certainly didn’t disappoint as the crew was able to successfully find its very clue towards Mother’s whereabouts.

Edens Zero’s narrative seemed to have wandered off for a while as the crew somehow found itself in the center of the Drakken Joe debacle. With this revelation, the series has finally started making progress in the right direction. Now, Shiki is one step closer to finding answers to the secrets of the universe.

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Temple of the Mother Beacon

Temple of the Mother Beacon

The journey to finding Mother was bound to be riddled with trials and tribulations, and the Temple of the Mother Beacon is the embodiment of this very fact. Located at the seabed of Planet Red Cave, the Temple of the Mother Beacon is an ancient shrine that is said to possess a treasure that can help guide those seeking Mother. According to Nadia, an android guardian, many adventurers have visited the shrine in a bid to find the treasure, yet only a few have been successful in retrieving it.

The treasure is located deep within a cave underneath the temple, and those that successfully pass through the cave unscathed can unearth the secrets to the universe. The cave, however, is laden with sweltering heat emanating from the magma within it. Behind the wall of roaring flames, adventurers can find the sought-after treasure. Many have tried to cross the deadly cave, yet only a few have ever been successful in passing through.

Shiki’s Advance Through the Red Cave

Shiki in Planet Red Cave

After finding out about the trial that lay ahead, Shiki and the rest took on the challenge earnestly. To their surprise, however, Shiki failed to run through the magma in one go, with his Gravity Ether proving to be futile against the rising flames. The boiling hot temperatures were far beyond the Four Shining Star’s heat-resistant capabilities, and Weisz’s Arsenal suit had similar issues, leaving the crew with no other option but to adopt a few unorthodox means.

In a last-minute plan devised by Witch, the Edens Zero battleship paid a quick visit to Planet Bluegarden to find a familiar face – Laguna Husert. Despite his past affiliations with the Element 4 and Drakken Joe, Laguna agreed to aid Shiki with his Water Ether, though the terms of his odd agreement are yet to be revealed. This could possibly mean that Laguna will now be a recurring character in the series, with the likely possibility of him joining the crew as well.

With the power of Water Ether and Witch’s elemental mastery, Shiki was transformed into a liquid state with a heat-resistant coating protecting his formless body. After receiving a peculiar yet useful buff, Shiki was able to use his Gravity Ether to propel through the roaring magma, reaching the other side of the cave where the clue to finding Mother lay in wait.

The Revelation of Mother’s Relics

Shiki's Breathing Lacrima

After a brave advance through the sweltering cave, Shiki enters a room with a mysterious Ether coursing through it. The Ether suddenly conjures at one point and manifests an image of Mother in front of Shiki’s eyes, with an unknown voice echoing through the room. The voice belongs to Mother herself, and explains how a part of her used to belong here. Despite that object being long gone, her Ether still remains in the room.

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The image of Mother soon dissipates, though not without imparting some wisdom on Shiki. According to Mother, Shiki must follow the light, and it shall eventually lead him to her whereabouts. The Ether then condenses into Shiki’s Aquatic Breathing Lacrima, turning it into a relic. The temple’s guardian explains that any object that has Mother’s Ether coursing through it becomes a relic, and these objects are scattered throughout the cosmos. Finding these relics can eventually lead one towards Mother, as each relic can serve as a clue towards her existence.

The Edens Zero Crew’s Next Move

Mother's Relics

The knowledge about the existence of relics is the very first clue towards finding Mother, meaning the Edens Zero crew now have a fair idea of how to locate Mother’s whereabouts. Before this revelation, the crew was aimlessly traveling through space in a bid to find a direction to their journey. With the introduction of relics, the crew now has a clear-cut objective of finding these objects scattered throughout the cosmos. It’s likely that Shiki and the rest will now embark on a journey to retrieve as many relics as they can, since this is their best bet in finding the omnipotent deity.

The presence of Mother’s relics also prove the existence of this entity for the Edens Zero crew, since she was simply renowned as a myth. The goal of finding Mother seemed far-fetched and absurd to most, even to those aboard the Edens Zero. With this revelation, however, Mother’s existence has been cemented and Shiki’s goal now feels like a plausible premise for the series.

Edens Zero is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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