Edens Zero is a sci-fi fantasy series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima, famed for his previous work Fairy Tail. Mashima is known for recycling many of his character designs and personas in his works, a statement that holds true with many references and callbacks to Fairy Tail in Edens Zero. However, viewers might have missed out on a few hidden references to one of Mashima’s first serials – Rave Master.

Serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine from 1999 to 2005, Rave Master soon became a hit in the early 2000s, garnering fame and success for Hiro Mashima. With hopes of continuing the streak, Mashima went on to produce Fairy Tail, utilizing some of the same character designs that served as an homage to his previous work. With his third work, Mashima has employed a similar strategy, taking inspiration from his previous series, Fairy Tail. This time, however, references to both his previous works can be witnessed, making Edens Zero a nostalgic series for fans of Rave Master.

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The Concept of Ether

Shiki Ether Gear Edens Zero

Ether is the core of Edens Zero’s power system as this natural energy flows inside both humans and machines alike. Ether Gearists are capable of utilizing this energy to awaken their Ether Gear powers, though some dub this concept as magic due to its inexplicable nature. In the world of Edens Zero, this natural energy is found in abundance, with almost every planet, living being, and machine serving as a vessel for this energy to flow through.

However, the concept of Ether isn’t novel to the series as Rave Master was first to introduce the notion of magical energy in the form of Etherion. However, Etherion is an extremely rare form of magic power, with strength described to be comparable to a god’s. Only two characters in the entire series are capable of wielding this power, denoting its rarity and unrivaled strength. While Ether may differ in Edens Zero, it clearly has its roots in Rave Master’s Etherion, though much more common and accessible.

Plue and the Nikora

Plue (Rave Master & Fairy Tail)

Plue is Rave Master’s unofficial mascot, serving as a companion to the Rave Warriors in the series. This white, frail creature doesn’t do much other than being a trusty companion to the series’ titular character. Mashima’s affinity towards the character is quite apparent from its appearances in both Fairy Tail and Edens Zero.

In Edens Zero, the Nikora is a race of sentient dogs that are employed as wait staff at a diner. Their appearance and mannerisms are a reflection of Plue’s character, though their role in the series is quite meager as they only make an appearance once or twice.

Character Archetypes and Designs

Justice and Sieghart

With hordes of similarities already apparent between the two series, it comes as no surprise that a few shared characters and designs can be witnessed in Edens Zero. One glaring resemblance in all of Mashima’s works is the antagonist faction known as Oracion Seis, though its renditions differ in all three of his series.

Shiki Granbell, Edens Zero’s titular character, shares many similarities with Rave Master’s protagonist Haru Glory. While their appearances may differ, the two bear an oddly similar characterization, with both Shiki and Haru possessing a bold and fiery disposition, ready to take up arms at the slightest threat to their loved ones. Their pure yet naive nature is another common element, making their characterizations rather similar.

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Sieghart Caesar is another recurring character, with Justice taking up the role in Edens Zero. While Fairy Tail’s Jellal was a more obvious reiteration of the character with his design being a spitting image of Sieghart, Justice’s character is a more subtle version of the original. His disposition towards fighting for justice and the truth is also quite reminiscent of Sieghart’s characterization.

Abilities Shared Between the Two Series

Rebecca's Bellholy Slash

Apart from character designs and personalities, the two series share several abilities with similar names. A few obvious examples reminiscent of Rave Master’s power system are entwined within some of Edens Zero’s most significant abilities. Overdrive is an advanced form of the base Ether Gear, with the prerequisite to attaining this power being intense training and debilitating stress. This upgrade shares its name with a world-destroying ability known as Overdrive in Rave Master.

Rebecca’s signature ability, the Bellholy Slash, is named after a sword bearing the same name in Rave Master. Another ability common to both series is Grand Chariot, referring to Heavenly Body Magic in Fairy Tail and a spell of the same name in Rave Master. Moreover, one of the Interstellar Union Army’s member’s abilities, Melty Kiss, is a direct reference to a Dark Bring known as White Kiss in Rave Master.

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