Finding the Four Shining Stars is Shiki's main priority in season 1 of Edens Zero, but who exactly are these femme-Fatales? The Demon King, Ziggy, created four beautiful machines to help the Edens Zero reach its full power potential as they travel across Universes. Each Shining Star works in tandem with one another, each responsible for a significant aspect in guaranteeing the crew's survival.

Sworn to protect the Demon King's predecessor, these alluring androids use their skills in attack, defense, support, and strategy to assist Shiki and the Crew - and only once all the Shining Stars are assembled, can the new Demon King begin with his true quest of finding Mother.

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Witch Regret: The "Shield of Edens"

The Shield of Edens

Witch Regret shows the most maternal qualities of the Four Shining Stars and her protective instincts are the perfect catalyst for fueling her defensive powers. She shows a fierce loyalty towards Shiki and the Crew, intending to honor the late Ziggy's memory. When she was relieved of her duties to the Demon King, Witch Regret remained aboard the Edens Zero, in hibernation mode, awaiting the arrival of Shiki in order to assist him in finding Mother.

Witch Regret shows distinct defensive skills along with the ability to manipulate Ether much like a magician would do with magic. She is a master of the elements, possessing lightning, air, and ice attacks, along with her Ether Shield. Her intense loyalty leads her along a submissive path, often following commands regardless of how ridiculous. Shiki and Weisz regularly take advantage of her fidelity for their own perverted gain (not that many fans are complaining) but nevertheless, all members of the Edens Zero Crew look up to Witch for guidance and wisdom.

Sister Ivry: The "Life of Edens"

Sister Ivry: The "Life of Edens"

Sister Ivry may dress like a nun, but she sure doesn't talk like one! Her harsh, often cruel words are in stark contrast to her gifts as a healer, responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the ship, as well as assisting any injured crew. 'Born' on the Plantel Gambrell, she stayed by the Demon King's side before joining the Adventurer's Guild Shooting Starlight on the Blue Garden planet. In the year X482, during a mission for the Guild, she was captured by the Rogue Out's leader and only found by Homura and Weisz years later.

Sister Ivry takes every opportunity to get naked and throws out intense BDSM vibes (as the Dom of course!), with her own "training room" on board the ship. Despite how sexually fierce her character is, she somehow still manages to avoid the stereotype of "waifu." Arguably one of the toughest characters in Edens Zero, she will fight with a total lack of empathy towards her victims. The android has found a sadistic loophole in her abilities - applying her healing powers to her opponents so that she can inflict even more pain before their demise.

Hermit Mio: The "Mind of Edens"

Hermit Mio: The "Mind of Edens"

The youngest-looking member of the Four Shining Stars was once a fun-loving, good-natured android who acquired a passion for helping humans from the Demon King, Ziggy. Unfortunately, her trusting naivety made her an easy target for Professor Müller, who captured her with the purpose of creating Ether weaponry.

Hermit Mio might have played a more significant role in Shiki's life, as she wanted to stay on Planet Gambrell with the Demon King to help him raise the small boy. However, she also felt that she could make considerable contributions to society by helping the scientists on planet Newton investigate Ether. Sadly, not only was her body experimented on, but Müller got a thrill out beating the defenseless android senseless, as the other scientists watched. After 2 years of torture, Hermit Mio escaped and fled to Iron Hill, where she vowed to stay in solitude within the Digitalis, clouded in depression and as far removed from humans as possible. After much convincing, Shiki and the gang eventually earned her trust, and Hermit resumed her position as the tech guru of the Edens Zero.

Valkyrie Yuna: The "Sword of Edens"

Valkyrie "The Sword of Eden"

Although Shiki never officially meets Valkyrie, he feels a strong kinship with the fallen hero as her story is revealed throughout season 1. During her travels on the planet Oedo, she rescues Homura Kōgetsu from being sold into slavery. When she realizes the poor child had been abandoned, Valkyrie immediately takes Homura under her wing - sharing her impressive combat and sword skills with the youngster. Valkyrie also taught the child valuable life lessons and was, essentially, Homura's parent, but sadly, due to her mechanical parts, the android was never acknowledged by society to possess emotions or a "heart," and therefore was not worthy of the title "Mother".

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Fearing that a machine would not be enough for the young girl, Valkyrie went on a mission in the year X487 to seek out Homura's birth mother and was tricked into servitude on the planet Sun Jewel by the very woman she was seeking to help. When she realized the destruction that Kurenai Kōgetsu had in store for the Labor District, the fearless Teacher lay down her life to save the planet's residents. Her mechanical corpse became a symbol of hope for planet Sun Jewel and was discovered years later by Homura, preserved in her dying pose.

Homura Kōgetsu: Valkyrie's Prodigy

Homura Kōgetsu "The Sword of Eden"

Homura Kōgetsu became the first human to join the Shining Stars as the new Sword of Eden. Her character offers many humorous opportunities towards the science-fiction Anime, as she is incapable of keeping her thought to herself and often utters them aloud, without even realizing it. This short-tempered master swordsman is in constant pursuit of a challenging battle with her Ether Gear Soul Blade by her side. She can take on a fox-like form when in 'Overdrive', transforming her body and sword into powerful weapons.

The Edens Zero Crew are fortunate enough to receive Homura's assistance when trying to free Rebecca and the rest of the captured B-Cubers. The warrior was aware of Valkyrie's connection to the Demon King and the Edens Zero and requested to join the gang on their travels. Her sole intent was to find Valkyrie and her biological mother and was left heartbroken when her mission was successful. After renouncing the woman that birthed her, the tearful Homura was finally able to acknowledge Valkyrie as more than just a Teacher and swore to honor her memory by assuming her place as one of the Four Shining Stars.

Will Valkyrie Return?

Homura finds Valkyrie too late

Hopeful fans speculate that the Goddess of the Cosmos possesses the ability to restore life as one of her wish-granting powers. Shiki and the remaining Shining Stars are more determined than ever to find Mother, and there is only one thing that Homura truly desires - to declare her love for her adoptive mother. However, the greatest worry is that, due to her mechanical nature, Valkyrie could return from the dead, have her systems restored and memories implanted - but the result would be a cheap copy - a shell of the former Teacher with a new inhabitant.

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