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With Ether Gear being at the center of Eden Zero’s power system, new additions and upgrades were bound to make an appearance, with Overdrive being the first. The series' second season has revealed a much stronger form of Ether Gear, capable of elevating the strength and abilities of one’s Ether Gear by several folds. This new edition of a supposed power-boost is set to change the dynamics of Ether Gear and Edens Zero as a whole.

While Jinn is the only character that currently has this power-up, it's more than likely that this concept will trickle down to the rest of the Edens Zero crew, serving as a much-needed boost to their Ether Gears. The series lays out the concept of Overdrive in generic terms, though it's likely that the concept may differ depending on the character’s Ether Gear and inherent strength.

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Overdrive: An Overview

Overdrive Edens Zero

As the name suggests, Overdrive essentially allows an Ether Gearist to have excessive Ether flow through their body, giving their abilities an immense boost. Overdrive’s power boost is manifested in various ways, with the physical aspect of it being the most prominent one. The appearance of the Ether Gear becomes more machine-like with clear augmentations to body parts. Three-dimensional lines of Ether also surround the Ether Gearist’s body, reflecting the inexplicable power coursing through the user’s body.

Attaining the Ether Gear Overdrive is no simple feat, however. It's implied that reaching the Overdrive state can only be achieved after perilous training and consistent strain, with some not able to gain the power even after such rigorous training. With such constraints to the power, it's likely that most Ether Gear users will fail to adapt to this newly introduced power-up.

While the series hasn’t yet delved into the intricacies of Overdrive, a few key aspects to activating this ability have been laid out. An Ether Gearist can only activate Overdrive when pushed to a critical level, forcing the Ether to manifest in a much stronger form. It is also worth noting that the Ether Gear’s abilities remain the same for the most part, with Overdrive simply enhancing the intensity of these abilities. However, the massive increase in power and intensity almost makes these abilities seem like an entirely new variant, such as witnessed in the case of Jinn’s Overdrive.

Wind Rage Ether Gear Overdrive

Wind Rage Overdrive

Wind Rage is a type of Ether Gear that falls under the category of Wind Ether, though the specifications slightly differ. Wind Rage allows the user to use the wind element to conjure typhoons and other similar wind-based attacks. This Ether Gear further grants the user the ability to become one with the wind element, resulting in the ability to manipulate wind to float on air, vanish with the wind, and fire powerful blasts of wind.

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Since Jinn utilizes Wind Rage in conjunction with Skymech Ninjutsu, most of his attacks and abilities are based around Ninjutsu fighting style, making him as elusive as a ninja. With Overdrive, Jinn can fly at immense speeds and appear behind his target in an instant, making his already overpowered ability even stronger. The effects of Overdrive could also be seen on Jinn’s body as his limbs were augmented with Wind Ether. The one-dimensional Ether lines were also altered, turning into three-dimensional lines that surrounded his body.

The Future of Ether Gear

Shiki Ether Gear

Up until this point, most Ether Gear powers witnessed in the series have been more or less repetitive and seem to have reached a power-ceiling. Almost every single fight initiates and concludes with the same abilities, with little to no integration of newer concepts. With the element of Overdrive entering the scene, several new avenues have opened up for Ether Gear, allowing a simple concept to evolve into something much more.

With Jinn being the only current user of Overdrive, it's more than likely that the rest of Edens Zero’s crew will awaken their latent powers and develop an affinity for this new power. Overdrive was a much-needed addition to the stale power-system of Edens Zero, with abilities becoming repetitive and the narrative being predictable. Before the introduction of Overdrive, Shiki's Satan Gravity remained undefeated, with the titular character defeating all those that stood against him. With Overdrive, however, Jinn was able to turn the tables and overwhelm Shiki with his inexplicable power.

With a clear display of supremacy, its obvious that Overdrive is the next step in Edens Zero's power system. The series is most likely to head in a direction that puts emphasis on the strength that Overdrive offers, with characters working towards attaining this power. While much is still unknown about the intricacies of Overdrive, it's safe to say that this power structure is likely to be Edens Zero's new baseline.

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