
  • Iron Man's Superior Iron Man run is one of his most divisive stories due to his corrupt morality and evil persona.
  • EA Motive's upcoming Iron Man game should consider setting the game in San Francisco, borrowing one of the Superior comic run's better ideas.
  • With Insomniac's Spider-Man already mastering New York, EA's Iron Man game should look for a different setting like San Francisco.

Marvel has had its fair share of controversial comic runs over the last eight decades, some of which have unfortunately remained burned into fans' minds due to their sheer audacity. Sadly, everyone's favorite wall-crawler is at the heart of some of the most infamous Marvel controversies, with both the 1990s Clone Saga and the more recent One More Day arc delivering some huge reveals that only served to frustrate long-time fans. But Spidey isn't the only Marvel hero with a controversial past; Iron Man has a rough past of his own.

While it may not be quite as controversial as his infamous Demon in a Bottle arc, the Superior Iron Man run is by far one of the hero's most divisive comic stories in recent memory. After his morality was corrupted during the Axis arc by Scarlet Witch, Iron Man began to develop an evil persona that allowed his greed and lust for power to take over. Though some fans found this arc to be pretty fun, some found it a little too mean, with Tony Stark committing some truly heinous acts, including giving Daredevil his sight back, but only temporarily as a reminder of what he was capable of. Though EA Motive's upcoming Iron Man game will probably want to steer clear of the Superior Iron Man arc, it wouldn't hurt to borrow one of its more subtle elements.

EA Motive’s Iron Man Shouldn’t Let Dead Space’s Limb Degradation Go to Waste

EA Motive put a ton of impressive current-gen features on display in its Dead Space remake and its Iron Man game should find a way to reprise them.

EA's Iron Man Game Should Borrow Superior Iron Man's Setting

Insomniac's Spider-Man Has Perfected New York

One of the greatest benefits of having Iron Man as a playable protagonist is that it allows EA Motive to set its Iron Man game pretty much anywhere it wants, with the hero having the funds to build several bases of operation at once. But while Tony Stark often operates out of New York, since it's the home of Stark Industries and Avengers Tower, it might be better for EA's Iron Man to avoid the setting entirely, given that Insomniac's Spider-Man series already delivers three excellent versions of New York City.

From capturing the overall layout of New York and its surrounding boroughs extremely well, to integrating some iconic landmarks seamlessly into the map, to sprinkling in its own unique array of Marvel-themed buildings, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 offers arguably the best video game adaptation of New York City. It might, therefore, feel a bit redundant for EA's Iron Man game to tread the same ground with its own version of New York, especially if the two Marvel projects are completely unrelated in the end.

Superior Iron Man's San Francisco Setting Could Take EA's Iron Man to New Heights

A deliberate play on the darker side of Silicon Valley, Superior Iron Man is set primarily in San Francisco, where the titular hero-turned-villain plans on exploiting the city for his own personal gain. While EA's Iron Man game shouldn't follow that same story, it might want to borrow Superior Iron Man's San Francisco setting. Aside from Marvel's Avengers' opening mission, San Francisco hasn't yet been explored in an open-world Marvel game, and it's a setting that EA's Iron Man could thrive in.

A huge metropolis, San Francisco still offers much of the same visual flair that New York City does, but it has enough unique qualities and landmarks to set it apart from Marvel's Spider-Man's primary setting. Though San Francisco isn't home to nearly as many Marvel heroes as New York, there's more than enough room for Iron Man to include buildings and skyscrapers that reference the wider Marvel universe, just like Spider-Man does.


Marvel is a brand associated with a wide array of popular superhero comics, movies, television shows, and merchandise. The company owns the rights to popular characters like The Avengers, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Deadpool, and many more.