When players first start out in Dyson Sphere Program, they will be randomly assigned a seed number. To be fair, every seed number is perfectly capable of winning the game. However, to say that it doesn't matter would be a lie. A great starting seed can make victory much more realistic. A bad seed can rocket the time to win to hundreds of hours.

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Nobody likes being resource-starved. Trying to get solar and wind power on a planet with little wind or poor sun luminosity is not fun. The Dyson Sphere Program community has gone through millions of starting seed possibilities and these are the best ones they've come up with so far.

Best Starting Seeds

Dyson Sphere Program Spacemap View

The best starting seed discovered so far is 81488271.

Seed #

Starting Planet Energy Ratio (Source)

Second Planet Energy Ratio (Source)

Third Planet Energy Ratio (Source)


103% (Solar)

150% (Wind)

130% (Wind)

This seed is perfect. Both planets other than the starter have 100% build areas with no obstacles. Wind power never needs to worry about being blocked out by the sun, so players can rely on it during all cycles. One planet also has both Silicon and Titanium on it, so players eager to explore will only need to harvest from one area before setting out to other systems. With five Type-O stars outside of the starting system, there is more energy here than can possibly be needed.

There are other contenders for the best starting seed to consider as well.

Seed #

Starting Planet Energy Ratio (Source)

Second Planet Energy Ratio (Source)

Third Planet Energy Ratio (Source)


102% (Solar)

117% (Solar)

130% (Wind)


100% (Wind)

132% (Solar)

92% (Solar)


100% (Wind & Solar)

136% (Solar)

118% (Wind)


100% (Wind)

94% (Solar)

113% (Solar)


Dyson Sphere Program Icarus In Orbit
  • Access to both Deuterium and Fire Ice Ore in the starting system.
  • At least 92% Wind or Solar Energy efficiency on all starting planets.

All starting seed planets have a gas giant they orbit around. Every gas giant gives out tons of hydrogen. Ice Giants give out Fire Ice while Gas Giants give out Deuterium. The latter is more precious and Fire Ice can be mined, so seeds with a Gas Giant should be prioritized. Fire Ice is still valuable, so a system that combines Fire Ice mined from a planet with Deuterium from the gas giant is ideal.

The starting seed system will always have three total planets. The starting planet won't have Silicon or Titanium, but between the other two, players will get access to both resources.

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Wind and solar are easy-to-establish and efficient energy sources that will work without feeding them. The starting seed system should not need to be constantly powered with fuel, so each planet should have either solar or wind at 92% or better efficiency.

By the endgame, players will leave the starting system. Moving around resources won't be an issue. After learning to make the best Dyson Sphere possible, find an O-Type Star to build around. Players will always end up leaving their starting seed. As long as that starter has Deuterium, Fire Ice, and good wind/solar ratios, it's a fantastic seed.

Starting systems cannot have any of the following: Sulfuric Acid seas, Unipolar Magnets, Spiniform Stalagmite Crystals, Organic Crystals, Optical Grating Crystals, and Kimberlite Ore. While some players try to find some within a few light years, midgame interstellar travel makes distance less relevant.

Dyson Sphere Program is in Early Access for PC.

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