Dying Light 2 released on Friday to a rather polarizing critical reception, with some reviewers loving the game and others finding issues with various aspects of it. Dying Light 2 was issued with a day one patch that was said to fix various issues that reviewers experienced with the game, however, it seems that some bugs slipped through the cracks.

Dying Light 2's day one patch was said to add over a thousand fixes and improvements to the game including fixes for various crashes and bugs that were causing AI and various objects to sink into the ground. YouTuber Nick930 recently uploaded a video comparing the original Dying Light to Dying Light 2. The video compared the various differences between the two games, and also highlighted the lack of zombie ragdoll physics in the sequel.

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The original game was praised for its ragdoll physics, while the sequel's physics do not seem to be working as intended. Nick930 shows in his video the way zombies fly off the side of rooftops when kicked in Dying Light and then the way that zombies seem to float in the air in Dying Light 2 before meeting their demise on the concrete below. Techland has noted that this is a glitch that it intends to fix in an upcoming quality of life update in the near future.

Dying Light 2 may not have released in a technically perfect state, but this has not stopped players from enjoying the game. Dying Light 2 beat out the original game's peak player count by a large margin. The original Dying Light had a peak player count of just under 46,000 players on Steam after its 2015 launch, whereas Dying Light 2 had an impressive 245,553 peak player count on the evening of its release date.

One of the issues fans of Dying Light 2 have with the game is the fact that the game makes use of controversial DRM software. A few days before it was released, it was announced that Dying Light 2 would make use of Denuvo DRM software, which has been known to affect the performance of games.

Techland also recently released a Dying Light 2 DLC roadmap that outlines the DLC that will be released for the game up until June. This will only be the beginning, as Techland has claimed that the game will be supported for the next 5 years.

Dying Light 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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