The Cheers! sidequest is snagged pretty early on in Dying Light 2. Players will gain access to the Bazaar shortly after escaping the hospital area with Hakan and progressing the main story towards a main quest called The Only Way Out. During this quest, Aiden will need to talk with folks around the Bazaar, which acts as a prelude leading into the sidequest itself.

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Once inside the Church, gamers can make their way to Julian, who's located near the Master Craftsman in a small enclosure stocked with jars and crates of food. Julian finds himself in a bit of a pickle, with instant accusations flying from another NPC about a poisonous cocktail that has made another survivor severely ill. Interacting with Julian and accepting this quest will put players on the path to finding Marco in Dying Light 2.

Locating Marco In Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 Marco Upset

Before players are given a choice on what to do with Marco, they first need to find him. Locating Marco can be a bit of a headache, since his placement on the map is a bit wonky. Players should head to the "Locate Marco" diamond on the map after accepting the sidequest from Julian. There they will see a series of buildings and the one housing Marco has an array of open windows on its upper floor. By crawling inside one of these windows, players can then make their way to a partially open door that hides a pitch-black room on the other side.

Gamers will then need to flick on their flashlight and make their way towards the bottom of the shaft-like room, stopping on the second floor and entering a open kitchen-like area where Marco can be seen leaning against a window. It's important to note that Marco is located on the second floor and that players that head all the way to the bottom of the building will need to go back up one floor within the shaft to enter the right room and talk to the NPC.

Once players speak to Marco, they'll then need to track back down to the first floor and take care of the zombies prowling the area. After doing so (and removing a zombie from the door) a small cutscene with Marco will ensue.

Siding With Marco In Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 Julian Questionec

Midway through the cutscene, players will be presented with a choice. After finding out that Marco accidentally supplied tainted water to the Bazaar, Aiden has the choice of whether to turn the supplier in or look the other way.

Siding with Marco will cause Julian to take the fall for his accidental crime. With no proof that Marco supplied tainted water to the Bazaar, Julian will be arrested for his "crime" (which will have evolved to murder by this point as the patron who drank the water will not have survived).

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Unfortunately, Julian will take the fall while Aiden looks the other way, but players will make out with extra flour from Marco as a "reward" for being discreet. In total, players will get EXP, 250 Old World money, and 5 Flour.

Siding With Julian In Dying Light 2


If players make the choice to turn Marco in to the Bazaar, he will attack the players in a fit of rage, prompting a pretty challenging boss fight thanks to Aiden's low level. Marco uses Power Attacks that are unblockable, forcing players to dodge and then attack with quick offensive strikes.

After Marco falls, players will have to return to the Bazaar and inform them that Marco did, in fact, taint the water supply. Players will also need to let the survivors know that Marco is dead, and regardless of which dialogue option they choose at this juncture, the quest will end the same way.

For siding with Julian and putting Marco down, players will only receive EXP and a blue-tier blunt weapon, making siding with Marco a more appealing choice to those that are looking for money and additional resources.

Dying Light 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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