Coins are a valuable asset in Dying Light 2. Of course, currency is never a bad thing in any game, but in this one, Aiden is downright starved for cash. As a result, many players will be tempted to sell off everything in their inventory and be left with the sting of regret when they find out they needed it for a valuable blueprint.

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The converse side of this is players who hoard all of their loot for the entire game and cross the finish line sitting on a veritable truckload of cash that would have made the game easier had they known the item's only purpose was to sell it. Knowing what to keep and what to give away is core to financial success in Dying Light 2.

Sell: Valuables

Dying Light 2 Selling Valuables To A Vendor

Early in the game, players get a warning about certain crystals. They are told that some superstitiously believe they can ward off infection. Video game rumors often pan out to be true, but this one is not. Go ahead and sell off crystals.

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For that matter, sell off anything listed as a valuable, regardless of the rarity. At no point are these valuables useful as anything other than bits to sell off. Capture the Alder Windmill, then check the miscellaneous at the next vendor and have Aiden bask in some guilt-free riches.

Sell: Outdated Armor

Dying Light 2 Selling An Outdated Helm To A Vendor

Anytime a crafting system is in a game, gamers get nervous. The idea has been implemented successfully and unsuccessfully before and the difference is night and day. Gamers have many things to love and hate about the game and the crafting but thankfully the armor is simple to deal with.

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Because it can't be deconstructed, armor that is statistically inferior is safe to sell. It's alright for players to have sets of armor (extra stamina for climbing, extra damage for fighting, etc), but if any piece doesn't pull its weight, sell it off guilt-free.

Keep: Weapons

Dying Light 2 Looking At A Common Weapon In The Inventory

Many will argue that weapons inevitably breaking is a fix that the game needs. Others enjoy the idea of going through lots of weapons until they break for the sake of variety. Regardless of player feelings, it is unwise to sell even the most statistically inferior weapons.

Though players are certainly permitted to have a favorite weapon, keep in mind that there are parts of the game where gamers wille asily go through five or six weapons without seeing another vendor. Having "too many weapons" is a problem based in fiction.

Keep: Craft Parts

Dying Light 2 Looking At A Unique Craft Part In The Inventory

It can feel natural to sell craft parts; after all, who is going to use six thousand pieces of scrap metal? But resist the urge to sell reagants. If players are in a bind and need cash, the better idea is to craft them into something and then sell that product.

Like all good economists, vendors understand that products are worth more than the sum of their parts. This means more money for Aiden in the long run. If players aren't hurting for money, there is no shame in having a near infinite supply of crafting pieces.

Dying Light 2 was released on February 4th, 2022, and is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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