After years of anticipation and rumors, Dying Light 2: Stay Human has finally been released, and many players are jumping into the second entry in the parkour zombie-slaying survival series. Armed with better graphics, a larger world, and more enemies, Dying Light 2 is seeking to improve upon the series' first entry in every way.

The first entry in the series was already a large, open-world area for players to explore, but Dying Light 2 has pushed that envelope with an even larger area and accessories like Dying Light 2's paraglider. Much like other open-world games, there are numerous opportunities for random moments and wacky clips.

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Some of these random moments are built into the game for players to find, such as a secret finger gun in Dying Light 2. However, one moment captured on Twitch shows a hilarious, most likely unintended moment where an NPC plays some mind tricks on a streamer.

A Reddit user posted a clip showing Twitch streamer Welyn seemingly encountering the stealthiest NPC in Dying Light 2. As Welyn is taking down a zombie, he notices there is an NPC standing off to the side near a wall. Wondering aloud what the NPC is doing, Welyn then turns his back to loot a chest. The looting only took a second, but when he turned back around, the NPC had vanished. Welyn, justifiably confused, exclaims the NPC "pulled a Batman," meaning the NPC completely disappeared, but Welyn quickly finds out where the NPC went as he turns around and screams in fright as the NPC jump scares him.

The moment was absolutely hilarious, and Reddit users had a field day making light of Welyn's terror. One user linked Reddit's perfectlycutscreams subreddit, teasing Welyn for his terror. Other users admitted that they also jumped when the NPC appeared. Many users celebrated the clip, saying it was one of the funniest moments they had seen come out of the game so far. With Dying Light 2 ditching guns, close encounters are the norm for the game, leading to many moments like Welyn's.

Though Dying Light 2 has had a controversial release, many players are enjoying the second entry in the series. With zombies and bandits around every corner during both day and night, the dangers to the player are ever-present, as is the opportunity for insane moments. Many players may agree that the last thing Welyn should have expected to face was Dying Light 2's version of Batman, yet the clip that came from the encounter was amazing.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is now available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Reddit